Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Letter 2009

Dear Santa,

This will be my 2nd Christmas, as I am already 16 months old. I remember you from last year. Sorry about our first encounter… but what did you expect? A big red jolly man with too much facial hair… kinda freaks a baby out! Anyway, I’m pretty much all grown up now. I’m walking and talking, er… well… my parents don’t think I can talk. Apparently all they hear is “uh-uh-uh, mama, mama, uh-uh-uh!” Whatever. They may not understand me, but I understand everything that goes on at our crib.

Take Kaleb for example… Dude’s barely 3 years old and everyone keeps congratulating him on finally talking at preschool. I don’t know what the big deal is… he’s always running around, yelling and causing trouble at home. I mean, I do the same thing, and no one’s ever giving me props. But Santa, I can tell you this… the kid’s obsessed with Spiderman. So if you don’t know what to get him, there’s your fallback.

Then there’s Jaden. Some strange things have happened to that 5 year old. First he’s all tough with earning a yellow belt in his Martial Arts class… but then he went and turned soft. I mean seriously man, there’s this girl. He met her at this place called Kindergarten. And he says he’s in love with her. They have decided they want to get married, and she even gave him his first kiss. Is this the kind of “tough” older brother I’m supposed to be learning from? Shoot, I give my Mama kisses all the time, and I don’t see what all the hooplah’s about. So for Christmas, do me a solid and get him something manly, like a wicked awesome lightsaber.

And my Ma… well, she’s all right. I mean she’s been there for me since the day I was born. No joke. Wherever I go, she goes. She’s like my little puppy dog. And when she’s not playing with my older brothers or me, she’s busy doing who knows what? But lately it’s been blogging. And my Mama says that if I don’t put a little plug in here about the family blog that I’m gonna get a timeout! So here it is Ma. Come visit us at Sometimes she gets so into blogging that I’m like screaming at the top of my lungs trying to get her attention. I mean, can’t a brother get a diaper change around here? But what can I say? I love her.

And last, there’s my Dad. Wait! I have a dad? Just kidding. He’s a great guy. He’s just a little busy right now. But I know that when April 27th comes around things will get better. That’s when the old man says he’ll graduate. Way to go Pops!

So Santa, as you can see, I got a pretty sweet thing goin’ on with the fam. I don’t need much. But if you have time, I’ll take a 55 inch LED TV and a Wii.

Love, Bradley

Merry Christmas, friends and family!

Love the Soccis

Charles, Crissy, Jaden, Kaleb, Bradley


  1. If I haven't told you already you are too dang cute! I love the idea of having Bradley "write" the cute!!! So amazing...I love it!

  2. I'm always impressed by your writing, it's always so creative and fun. I feel like I'm there when you tell it, thats why I love it so much!!

  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!! LOVE your family picture! :) Hope you guys have a great one! :) Loved reading all the posts!
