Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rest of May

Happy Mother's Day to me!  Charles surprised me with flowers, which was very sweet.  The kids made me breakfast and then loaded me up with beautiful handmade cards and artwork.

And this was my Mother's Day present.  A cordless sweeper vac. No more bending over to sweep up food and dirt into a dustpan. And best of all, the kids love to use it.  It's the gift that keeps on giving!

One day Alli, her VERY soon-to-be-husband Jeff, his mom and his brother came to our hood to play tennis.  The Greens are some pretty athletic folk.  It was fun to play with them, but even more fun to watch (since I suck).

During the tennis match, the kids played on the playground.

It took me over 2 years to get around to making this, but my friend Leslie and I finally did it.  Now we have no excuses to not be ready for Family Home Evening each week. And it has been awesome having Brynnlee conduct.  She sits up tall in the big chair and looks importantly at us and says, "Now we have the song by Bwadley Socci." Then Bradley will make his choice.  Then Brynnlee will override. "No no! We singin' Let It Go." And we do.

Most of the time the kids and their friends congregate in our side yard or front lawn. But sometimes the walk across the street to the park.  One day I went to check on them and this is what I found.  I love that they can safely roam the neighborhood and have fun.  Jaden looks cool rip-sticking around while Kaleb shoots hoops with his mortal enemy, Cooper.

Meanwhile, don't even ask me how Brynnlee got up there, or how she planned to get down. But she was screaming with delight as Bradley spun it round and round.

Crazy Hair day at school

My sweet thoughtful Jaden has been sporadically surprising us with breakfast.  He woke me up one morning with this plate in his hands.

When I came downstairs I found that he had made toast, french toast, rinsed a bowl of strawberries...

and attempted scrambled eggs... in a pot.

I love how thoughtful he is, and how it opened up a little chat about cooking without supervision...

Our neighbor Yumi is from Japan.  One day I went to call the kids in for dinner and found them along with some neighborhood kids crowded around her while she showed them how to make origami swans.

Just because she's cute and sassy.

Just because he's weird. :)

Just because he's cool.

I went to my first paint party.

Brynnlee learned to ride her scooter.

After 3 years Brynn got her first ever haircut. Well, trim.

I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to chop my hair off.

Sunday fun at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Ummm, because she's stylin'.

Kaleb Spring Soccer