Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jaden's Junior Jazz

From December to February, Jaden had his first season of Basketball.  He wasn't sure if he wanted to do it or not, but we wanted him to give it a try.

Here is his cheering section.  Caleb Holbrook was on his team, so his dad Ryan is sitting next to Charles.  Grandma and Grandma also came each week to cheer Jaden on.

Brynnlee had lots of opportunities to practice her clapping at these games.

This season was really fun to watch.  I think it was good for me to have a child play something that was not soccer.  Instead of getting frustrated, I was able to enjoy watching Jaden learn and improve each time he played.

Jaden's first game was hilarious.  Because he didn't get a coach until right before the first game, his team didn't get to participate in the instructional clinic held the week before the season began.  Not only that, but at this age, they don't hold practices during the week at all.  It was obvious most of these kids were totally clueless as to what to do once the whistle was blown.

First Game (Green Team)

It was pure comedy to watch the first few games.  A little painful at times, but a good laugh nonetheless.

When we asked Jaden what he liked about playing basketball, he said, "sitting on the bench."  Poor kid.

After a few games Jaden started moving around more with the bunch.  He wasn't really sure about wanting to actually touch the ball, but at least he acted like he was part of the game a little more.

(White Team)

The second half of the the season was when Jaden really started to enjoy basketball.  Charles also started to help coach the team.

Jaden began practicing more with my dad and also with Charles whenever he had the chance.  His skills improved, he started to want to touch the ball during his games.  It was exciting to watch his transformation.

(White Team)

By the last game I would even venture to say he was one of the best on his team.  (I guess that's the only perk of being on a losing team!) He ran up and down the court, he dribbled a lot, he passed a lot, but he didn't shoot much.  He did, however, make 2 baskets this season.  It was so exciting!

Last Game (Green Team)

Jaden was sad for the season to end.  He is looking forward to the next Jr. Jazz season.  He still practices in the backyard whenever there's no snow on the ground.  Way to go Jade!

Knock On Wood!

 I've been a little nervous to write this post because I'm afraid that by admitting this, it will all go away... (I'm weird like that.)

But because I feel so grateful and blessed, I need to take the time to write this.

I had been really worried about how to single-handedly get all 4 kids and myself ready for 9am church on time, and then having to manhandle the bunch by myself during sacrament meeting.

Well, I'm pretty sure I am seeing some of those blessings promised to our family when Charles accepted his new calling.

Not only did we make it on time, but we have been early.  And the kids have been angels.  We arranged specific seating, and got new church bags filled with new activities, and set new rules... and the kids have been phenomenal!

We definitely turned on the bribery too.  We asked each kid what they would like as a reward if they could sit and follow rules the entire time.  Jaden chose money.  So we give him a dollar.  Kaleb chose a sugar cookie... we talked him into a dollar.  Bradley chose pizza.  So far it has worked out because we had Little Ceasar's over the weekend both times.  We made sure to save a piece for Bradley to eat on Sunday.

In the past I could hardly ever listen to the speakers because the kids were always going crazy.  And that was with 2 of us.  Now it is just me, and I have heard almost every word.

Brynnlee has even mellowed out a bit too.  This girl is usually such a spaz!  We got her some new toys, and we also have a family who has been sitting behind us the last 2 weeks, and they have been real entertainment for her.  It's been nice.

We had tried new things with the kids over and over in the past, that had worked for maybe like 15 minutes.  But it is way different this time.   I know it's because we are being blessed.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Try not to go all C.P.S. on us...

Our poor little girl had her first brawl.

No, not with her brothers.

The train tracks piled in the basket--they were mocking her.

They taunted her as she leaned forward off the edge of the couch to give 'em the stink-eye.

But she lost her footing.

She somersaulted off, landing on her back... but not before taking a face-plant into the basket of trains, tracks, bridges and parts.

I think she made her point.

They won't look at her the wrong way again.

"You got somethin' to say, Thomas?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Secret of Snow

Bradley: Kaleb, how does it snow?

Kaleb:  I'll tell you.  Jesus gets a bag of snow and dumps it everywhere.

Bradley:  Really?  On the moon too?  That's wicked awesome.

Charles' New Calling and My Thoughts Along the Way...

***So I realize that you would probably be more interested in CHARLES' thoughts along the way... but he doesn't blog.  So you're stuck with mine. ***

Our Stake is getting divided.
No big deal.

Our Bishop has had his calling for over 5 years.
Yeah, we'll probably get a new bishop sometime.  It happens.

Charles has a feeling that a change is coming for our family.  He's not sure what it is.  He's thinking it could be either a new calling, a new house, or a new baby.
Ummm... NOT a baby!  Probably not a calling either.  Duh, it's a new house.  We just put an offer in on one a few weeks ago.

Charles is being heckled by current bishopric members that he will be put in the new bishopric.
Ha!  Yeah right.  That won't happen.
#1  Who said we're getting a new bishopric in the first place?
#2. He's too young.  WE'RE too young to be put in that situation. Those callings are for OLDER people.  Yes, his patriarchal blessing says he will serve these kinds of callings in the future... but not till we're OLDER.
#3.  Charles doesn't have a lot of time anyway.
#4. We have 4 kids ages 7 ages and under.  No one would do that to us. No one would do that to ME.  That would just be MEAN.
#5. We just put an offer in on a house.  It's being reviewed.  We're moving.

Charles and I get a call for an interview by the Stake Presidency.
Okay... Charles is the assistant financial clerk.  He's probably just going to be released with all the new stake changes coming... and probably be made the head financial clerk.
Yep. That's what it is.  No big deal.

I get heckled by ward members that my husband will be put in the new bishopric.
Ridiculous.  Not even worth a 2nd thought. 

Things are moving along with getting the new house...
But we are starting to have doubts.  I no longer feel comfortable with the whole process, and Charles is slowly getting on board with me.

Interview with the Stake Presidency.
I'm calm.  I know it's for Charles and it's not a big deal.

We chat for a while before the bomb is dropped.  I feel... totally blind-sided:  2nd Counselor to the Bishop.
Are you freaking-kidding me?!
Oh no.
This is a mistake.
Goodbye Charles.
Goodbye other house that was twice as big as ours, yet had a smaller mortgage payment.
I already knew we wouldn't move, but now it is certain.
I'm all alone with 4 crazy kids to deal with in sacrament meeting... I'm going to die.
Great, now I'm OLD too.

Also I have an eyelash stuck in my eye, and if I try and get it out, they'll think I'm crying.  Then I probably WILL cry. 

I wonder if I can get my mom and dad to come help me with the kids in sacrament meeting every Sunday.  Maybe Alli can come home from her mission early and join my ward so she can sit with me...  Okay, that's bad.

As we leave the Stake President's office he asks if we have any questions or if there is anything we need.  I ask for a paper bag.  Then I say, "Just kidding."
Sort of.

Charles tells me he has had a feeling all along that this is what it would be, but didn't want to say anything.  He didn't want to freak me out.
Oh thanks for the heads up!

Stake Conference comes and the stake gets split.  Our old bishop gets put in the new Stake Presidency.  Members speculate about who will be put in the new bishopric.  I get heckled again that it's going to be Charles.
Now I just feel sick.  But I respond with, "I think so-and-so would be a good choice."  And it's true.  I DO think that "so-and-so" would be a good choice.  But I know that it's not them.

Sunday comes.  I have spent a lot of time finding new activity books and things to keep the kids occupied during sacrament meeting.   Luckily my parents are there.  The sustainings happen, the stake presidency tells the new bishopric to kiss their wives goodbye and come sit up on the stand, and it is done.
But I feel peace.  I know Charles is called by Heavenly Father.  I know Charles is needed.  I know Charles will do a lot of good.  He is an amazing man.  I am lucky to be married to him.  I will miss him, but God will bless us and ease our burdens.  We will still find family time.  There was a point in our lives when (with 3 kids) Charles was working a full-time job, PLUS another half-time job, AND going to school full-time to earn hes MBA.  Time management.  Charles has it, and so I'm not worried.

And I will be okay during sacrament meetings.  There were a lot of people who came to me and along with their "Congratulations/ Condolences" said that they would love to help me out.  I feel blessed already.  We really have a great ward.

After the meeting, my dad ordains Charles as a High Priest, and then he is set apart by President Steel.
Both blessings were beautiful.  My dad mentioned that Charles has always wanted to do the right thing, and listen to God, even before he joined the church.  He said that Charles has had a strong upbringing and that he continues that same path today.  He said that through Charles' example of service to the church, our kids will see it and want to be like him.  They will grow up strong in the church and close to their Father in Heaven. My dad baptized him when Charles was 17 years old.  It was August 29th, 1998.  My dad also ordained him to be an Elder.  It was really nice to see my dad ordain him a High Priest too.  President Steel's blessing was also powerful.  It was comforting to hear all the specific keys and blessings that Charles will now hold.  Instead of feeling dread for the calling, I was feeling more and more lucky, to have this man.  And I'm okay with sharing him.

We cancelled the offer on the other house, and actually feel relief.  And although it has only been a few days since Charles was sustained, we are already seeing new blessings within our family.  We feel calm, and we feel happy. 

Well... Charles is still a little nervous about fulfilling the calling, and I'm a little terrified about sitting by myself with the 4 kids.  But we'll be okay.  :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Bradley farted.

It wasn't just rancid...

It was straight up foul.

I don't know what died inside of him...

but it was disgusting.

And he just smiles and blurts out,

"Smell my tacos!!"

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Taking Care of Brynn

Sometime if I need to do something, I ask Jaden to take care of Brynnlee.  One night I was giving the other boys a bath and when I came down to check on her, this is what I saw.  I had to sneak a video because I love watching these two interact when they think no one is looking.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Random Comments

(Told to us by one of the Primary teachers)

During Sharing Time at church one Sunday...

Everyone was quiet.  A little girl was called to go up to the front and help out.  As she was walking forward, Kaleb said out loud...

"OH yes.  THAT is my girlfriend!"

All the kids and teachers started laughing.


Kaleb:  "Hey Jaden, wanna see my new backpack?"
Jaden:  "Sure!"
Kaleb: "See?!" (proudly displaying his new pack)
Jaden:  "That's sexy, Kaleb!"


One night I asked who wanted to say the prayer.  Bradley said he wanted to say it at the same time as Kaleb.  I told him that would not be very reverent.

Then on Sunday we had Stake Conference.  Because of how crowded it was, we ended up sitting in the cultural hall watching the speaker on the 2 screens that came down on each side.

After the opening prayer, Bradley was upset and pointing to the 2 screens he said, "Hey! That was NOT reverent! They said the prayer at the same time!"


A few days ago I went out front to check on the kids.  I found the 3 boys sitting on a neighbors porch along with 2 other young boys.  Then these three 6th grade boys were walking past.

Bradley called out to them, " Yo yo yo!  Wuss up?!"

The older boys just kind of looked at him and kept on walking.

Cracked me up.


Kaleb:  Mom, can we put on some music so Brynnlee can dance?
Me: Sure. (I turn on Gavin Rossdale: Forever May You Run)
Kaleb: (listens for a minute) Mom?  I don't mean beautiful music.  I mean Lady Gaga.


Bradley:  Kaleb guess what?!  Mommy and Daddy are going on a date.
Kaleb: (with a disgusted look)  That's gross!  (as he turns and walks away.)
...this coming the kid with "7 girlfriends."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So You Think Brynnlee Can Dance?

I've never seen a baby respond to music as much as Brynnlee does.  No matter what she is doing, as soon as the tunes start up, she is focused first on where the music is coming from, and then she just starts to rock out!  It is my one of my favorite things about her.

If we're at church and she is cranky, as soon as the hymn starts to play she perks  up, looks around and then starts to bounce.

If we're walking in a store and she notices the background radio playing and it's turned up a bit, she starts to bob her head.

If we're at home and Pandora is on, she's all over the place.

And if the boys are playing Just Dance on the Wii... she plays right along with them.


The kids really enjoy this game.  And I get a kick out of watching them dance.  Here are a few videos of the first night they tried it out.  Thanks for the game, Kare! :)

Hmmm... was he mad because I exposed him as a cheater for sitting while playing?

The Boys Love Blocks

This is Bradley's huge stash of magnet blocks.  The only thing he ever asks for on his birthday or for Christmas is, "more magnet blocks, please."

Would you believe, that he has already told me that for his next birthday he wants more?

He also told me that aliens have magnet blocks too.  Blue and green ones.

Sometimes Bradley branches out from the magnet blocks and plays with Lego Duplo.

And sometimes he plays with the Bristle Blocks.  But he always goes back to the magnet ones.

Here's Jaden building his Fire Temple and Dragon as soon as possible.

We have Garmadon's Fortess on the left and the Fire Temple on the right.

Kaleb provided about 20 of these close up shots.  Guess he was one proud kid.  He actually does most of the building himself.  It's really neat to see him do it.  He's even quicker than me... which I guess isn't saying much...

One day while Charles was out of town, I thought I should try and fill the role of "Fun Daddy" and play Legos with Kaleb.

I thought "sure, I can spare 30 minutes."

3 and 1/2 hours later, we emerged from the Lego dungeon with this beauty.  A double-sided 42+ Lego figure display.  We designed it ourselves.  No instructions, thank you very much!

Now that I have been immersed into the world of Legos, I'm kind of obsessed.  I now see why Charles is a Lego snob and doesn't like mixing Legos with Mega Blocks.  They DO build differently!

I told Charles, "I never thought I'd say this but... I think we need more Legos!"

After a month of torturing the kids with a rule that they could only build one new Lego set each month, the boys got their fix.

Jaden built Jack Sparrow's Black Pearl.

Kaleb built his Lightning Dragon with Chopper.

Welcome to the Lego Dungeon.  I have banished Legos from any other room but this one since Brynnlee is on the move.

They spend hours up here.

When friends come over they like to go straight up to the Legos.

And just like Bradley, do they seem satisfied?  Nope.  I think we have an addiction problem over here.

Legos and Magnet Blocks: The boys' drug of choice.