Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kaleb's Graduation

Well he did it.  Can you tell you he's excited to finally be done with Preschool?  This kid endured not one, not two, but THREE years.  And now he's done.

Kaleb's first year of preschool he only uttered a single word, one time. "Mayflower."  His second year, he started to whisper.  But  by his 3rd year... well, let's just say I now know what it feels like to have the class clown as my child.  There was hardly ever a day when I picked him up and I didn't see that wary expression on Miss Michelle's face and was then given a rundown on all of his misdeeds.  And we now get it occasionally from his Primary teachers as well.

As soon as I figure out how to download videos from my new camera, I'll post a video of him at his program.  It will demonstrate how much more... "comfortable" he has become with school.  Like in this picture, they are singing the Star Spangled Banner.  When it says "the bombs bursting in air," he is not so much holding his hand respectfully over his heart, but rather pretending that he has just been bombed and it is exploding in his chest.  Over... and over... and over again. Yes, sound effects included.

Oh, and the girl he is standing by is Cassidy.  She has been in love with him for the last 2 school years.  Her mom told me that Cassidy wants to marry him. 

When Cassidy was a flower girl in a wedding, she asked her mom if she could wear that dress to the temple to marry Kaleb.  Haha! 

And then I guess a week or so before graduation, Cassidy told her mom, "Mom, I kissed Kaleb."  Her mom responded with, "You did?  What did he think about that?"  Cassidy told her mom, "He didn't like it.  He told me he was NOT my boyfriend."  Poor thing!

From what we have gathered from Miss Michelle, as well as from Kaleb... he just liked to make his friends laugh.  All the kids loved him and thought he was a riot.  He didn't care much for rules, just wanted to be funny. 

I'm not going to say it's not frustrating, because I know firsthand how infuriated I get when he doesn't listen to a word I say, but I will say this... The kid is charming.  Apparently he has like 5 girlfriends around the neighborhood.  One of which is Brooklyn.  Seriously one of the cutest little girls I know.

And then one day there was a new girl in the neighborhood.  I overheard the kids talking.  Jaden introduced himself and his brother, Kaleb.  The little girl said that she already knew who Kaleb was.  Jaden asked her how she knew him.  She said, "Brooklyn told me all about Kaleb.  They're in love."  Jaden just shrugged and said, "Oh. Yeah.  They are.  And they kiss sometimes."

I'm a little worried about how he will behave in Kindergarten next year, but at least I won't have to worry about him making friends.  I can threaten him with death to be good, but I can't force him to be liked and have fun.  Anger over sadness.  I think I prefer it this way... maybe.


  1. What a little stud muffin! :)

  2. I knew the kid was gonna be a heart breaker, I just didn't realize it would happen so soon!
