Wednesday, May 9, 2012


From April - May, Kaleb and Bradley got to try their first sport.  At first we thought it would just be Kaleb (which was fine) but then I saw on the flyer that even the 3 year-olds could play.  We asked Brad if he wanted to play on Kaleb's team and he was SO excited.

Unfortunately we all got sick with bronchitis the week of team pictures, so we missed out on that.  But the boys were happy to pose for me at home. 

Here they are waiting for their turn at bat.

Bradley always hit off the T, and Kaleb took the pitch.

See how excited they are to run home?

I guess this is the reason for the batting helmet, haha!  Poor Kaleb!

And this is how we know Kaleb.  Silly and always ready to goof off.  Or maybe he has to go potty??  I can't really tell.

Most of the time Charles had to come straight from work to be there.  And Grandma and/or  Grandpa Ashton made it to every game.  :)

T-ball was pretty interesting.  Well actually it wasn't.  When the kids were outfield, they never played positions. They all lined up behind the pitcher and took turns shagging the ball and throwing it to the 1st baseman.  I hoped that by the last couple of games that would change.  It didn't.  That girl in the picture below with the red hair was in love with Bradley.  Apparently Bradley said she was pretty one day, and the girl made sure that everyone knew it.  She was 9.

The boys had fun, and it was really neat to have 2 of them play on the same team together.  Especially with it being their first.

These 2 love to goof around together.  They are best buds. :)

Of course their favorite part of T-ball was...


  1. I love this!! I so wish I could've seen them play, maybe we can play some ball in August.

    And I love that Bradley has a 9 year old that is in love with him, who couldn't love him!!

  2. I love after they all run home how they take off their helmets and put on their hats, like pros. So cute! I was glad that I was able to see them play!

  3. Kare, I totally thought the same thing about the helmet off hat on bit. What coordination!!
