Monday, May 7, 2012

Not My Proudest Moment

 So this is how it all went down...

Kare told me about a huge-mega-closeout-blowout-below cost sale going on online.  I started looking around...

A tutu plus headband for 5 dollars? Another one for 2.50? And they come in all these colors?  A fairy dress?  A 4th of July dress?  Free Shipping? Hair bows $3 for a dozen? 80 cents on each of the big ones?  A hat for 2 dollars?  Wings for 3?  What WAS this place?!

I decided that these items were going to go fast. So I just put everything that I liked and even just sorta liked inside my cart.  I figured once I had been through the entire site I could just go back and delete the ones I didn't love.


You know how after you put things in your cart, and then you "view cart" and you can click on the picture to go back to the details?  Not this sight.  No picture, and NO LINK.  Just words and numbers.  I would have to manually search each item in my cart.  And my cart had like 70 things in it.

I was mad.  I didn't have time for this.  I had just spent 2 hours shopping, I wasn't about to spend another 2 hours sorting through everything in my cart manually.

I had 2 options.

Empty my cart and walk away... or just buy it all.

I hated that I would have had spent 2 hours for nothing, and I figured Brynnlee needs some dress up clothes too, the boys have some! ... so I clicked "checkout."

I couldn't remember what I had even ordered.  I figured maybe 6 or 7 tutus or dresses.  Maybe 3 dozen flowers and bows, a couple wings.  I couldn't remember what else.

Then I got 2 huge boxes in the mail.

 Turns out there were 16 tutus and dresses... Surprisingly, no doubles.

5 wings, and a million flowers, bows and clips.

I felt kind of sick looking at it all.  What had I done?  I wasn't even excited about it.  What the crap was I going to do with it all?!  Oh well.  What's done is done.  I guess when Brynnlee turns 2 we can have a fairy or princess birthday party and all her friends can have a tutu to wear and take home...  And maybe I'll sell some of this stuff on our Yard Sale site...  awesome.


  1. You crack me up! You have a problem! :) Before you give them away - I may need to make Jade a color book using all of your tutus and wings!

  2. Brilliant idea Jamey! And Crissy...seriously try and sell them on that site, if it is anything like ours they will sell like hot cakes for 3 times what you bought them for. Then again you are in maybe not.

    1. Yeah, that would be GREAT if I could sell them... but you're right... they're not such a rare commodity in UT.

  3. This is way too funny! Thanks for the laugh.

  4. I think your spoil is AWESOME!! :) I would have done the exact same thing that you did.

    You will have a beautiful girl dressed so cutely! :)
