Thursday, May 28, 2009

Family Pictures


  1. Crissy, these are ABSOLUTELY perfect! How did you get such good posers for kids? That little Bradley has got it goin' on!

    P.S. You're still on my SAINT list for watching the boys yesterday. Thank you!

  2. I love it! The boys look like the three stooges:

    Caleb: Larry
    Jaden: Curly
    Bradley: Mo

  3. Bradley is going to be a pilot...


  4. I love the first picture where you are all looking at each other...but I feel bad for Jaden because nobody is looking at him.

    I am so happy that you did the black on black again. It just puts the focus on you guys so much...I love it!! I also love all the bare feet...tell Cha to take his socks off next time!

    I also heart the one of J and K kissing Blably. It reminds me of the one you have of you and Cha kissing Jaden. Look how your family has grown!

    That picture of the boys with Bradley sitting in the middle and the other two laying on either side of him makes Bradley look so tiny! I like it!

    And omg, there just aren't words to describe how cute Bradley is in the last picture!


  5. Kare is absolutly right about how tiny Bradley looks in that one picture. In the second to last one it looks like Caleb is telling Bradley a secret. I can't get over how much Caleb and Bradley look alike. In the picture that you guys have for the blog, the two look a like but then I see pictures of them individually and Caleb looks like Jaden sometimes, I love it!

  6. It's the eyes. Caleb and Bradley have the same eyes, I think thats what makes them so cute.

  7. Awwww shucks! Thanks everyone! I do have a cute family, don't I? :) And I'm ALSO glad we decided to do black on black too. I think it not only puts the focus on the people instead of the outfits, but it's also the CHEAPEST route for matching wardrobe! :) It's good for me to see these. They remind me during those "special" times, that .... No, I should NOT kill my kids. I would probably miss them! lol :)

  8. CA-YUUUUUTE!! If you could hear me as I scrolled down, my "awww" got louder with each picture of the family and my chuckle become more enthusiastic as I saw each picture of the boys together! They are just too cute and it's fun to see their personalities come out in the pictures! Cris, you and "Fun Daddy" are looking very good too I might add!

  9. So I was looking back through these and some people that I work with saw the pictures, so I had to point out who was who and their response was "That is such a beautiful family, all of the boys are so gorgeous". I just thought that I'd pass that on to you guys.

  10. The good thing about having such cute kids is that in a family portrait everyone focuses on the kids. But, I must say Alli was right, you and Cha look stunning yourselves. I didn't think to look before reading Alli's comment :)


  11. Such cute pics of the boys, I guess I got all the girls and u got all the boy genes, maybe u will get a girl, since I will never have a boy, Happy belated Birthday. Love ya Cris
