Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Goodbye Old House...

Goodbye Oak Bridge house.  You were our first. :)

Never a dull moment in that backyard.

Entry/Living Room

Family Room

Pantry that Charles added

Kitchen with tile that Charles put in.

My tiny Laundry room/coat and shoe closet

Brynnlee's Room

Jaden, Kaleb and Good-Bradley's room

Guest/ Naughty-Bradley's Room

Kids Bathroom

Oops.  I guess I never took pictures of my bedroom. Oh well.  On the last night we were there, we celebrated by going for slurpees.  In January.

Bradley's last night in the house...

Jaden and Kaleb's last night in the house...

Jaden's expression pretty much sums up his feelings for the move.

Kissing their bedroom goodbye
The next night the kids went to Grandma's while Charles, Grandpa and I spent the next night taking apart furniture and moving anything to the new house that wasn't huge.  The next morning, we bought doughnuts for anyone in our ward who happened to show up during the blizzard to help load the last few big things.  We thought maybe 6 or 7 people would come.  We were surprised when about 25 showed up.  I guess there were a lot of people ready to see us gone! :)  We were packed, moved and even unpacked in less than an hour and a half.  It was amazing!  We were all moved in to the new house on January 12, 2013.

The next Sunday we went back to the old ward because Charles was being released from his calling in the bishopric and we both were asked to bear our testimonies.  I think if I would have written this 6 months ago when it happened, I would have been more emotional and sad.  I cried a lot that day and was afraid I would never find a ward family as great as this one.  And it's true, we left a really loving and friendly ward.  But writing this 6 months later, I have learned that there are great people here too.  We have all made new friends and really love it in our new neighborhood.  But there is still the handful of families back in our old ward who we continue to see regularly and will continue to be part of our lives.  Mainly, the Toblers, the Myers, and the Paz Family.  Occasionally we will also visit with the Rodebacks, the Humphries, the Orgills and the Ormonds. Charles also still keeps frequent contact with the members of the old bishopric.

When Charles and I met with President Murphy before he was released he told us to go home and write down some of the ways we know we were blessed while serving in that calling.  He said that it really makes him sad when he knows people have felt the way they did and were blessed the way they were blessed, and then years later fall away from the church.  So he wanted us to write it down so we won't ever forget those feelings.  Well here I am, 6 months later, doing what my Stake President asked me to do...

1.  I know that before the calling, we had 4 kids ages 7 and under, and Brynnlee was just a baby.  Sacrament meeting took 2 of us to keep the kids in line.  We hardly ever made it to church on time. While wrestling with kids on the bench we probably only ever heard 50% of the talks given each week.  In fact that was one of my biggest worries with this calling.  Surviving sacrament meeting...

     ~~~I know that while Charles served in the bishopric I was able to get myself and 4 kids ready for 9a.m. church.  We were on time and in most cases EARLY to church.  This happened about 95% of the time.  Huge. Not only that, but the kids' behavior took a major 180.  They say quietly, stayed in their seats, and I was able to listen to and enjoy at least 75% of the talks given each Sunday.  Again, Huge. Some people may not think much of that, but to me it was a miracle.  A sure sign that Heavenly Father was blessing my family.

2.  I know that before the calling I was nervous that Charles would miss out on lots of family time. This was HIS biggest concern.

   ~~~I know that while he was serving, time management was not a problem.  We could spend all the time in the world together, and not really enjoy it...  But instead, we cherished the time we DID have. The times that we had together were happier, more thought out and, I guess more appreciated.  We felt like we were spending more time together, or at least, more quality time.

3.  I know that before the calling, Family Home Evening wasn't as regular as it should have been, and scripture study with the kids wasn't going so well.  (Except for Jaden.  Jaden has always seemed genuinely interested in the Book of Mormon.)

  ~~While serving, FHE happened at least 3 nights a month, and we completed the Book of Mormon cover to cover with the kids.  Fitting these things, along with more frequent temple attendance became easier.  My relationship with Charles was strengthened.  My desire to serve others was also stronger.  I know that these blessings came to our family because we were making a conscious effort to do what we knew Heavenly Father wanted us to do.  To make time for Him.  And in turn, He made time for us and we were blessed in many many ways.

4. This one, we just recently reflected upon... Right before the calling, we had put an offer down on a house that, at the time, we thought was a great deal. It had a few issues and so we were praying about whether or not we should go through with it.  Right as our offer was accepted, Charles and I were called into the Stake President's office, where he was extended the calling.  We took it on faith that this was our answer and so we pulled out of the contract.

   ~~While Charles served, we had tried a number of time to refinance our house.  Since we didn't qualify for anything out there, our next option was to take advantage of the low interest rates and low prices and buy a new house.  We feel like it was a miracle that Charles happened to find the house that he did.  It was bigger than our house now, it was in a great community, our payment would be lower, and I loved the floorplan.  This house had been under contract and had just fallen through and so they had dropped the price by... a huge amount.  No way we could have afforded this house otherwise. We hurried and went to see it and made an offer that night.  Since living here and learning more about the market around us, we marvel at what an amazing deal we got.  We feel truly blessed in this way as well.

We left behind a great neighborhood of friends and a ward that felt like home.  But we also know that it doesn't take a calling to receive those blessings.  We can receive them if we align our lives with the gospel and continue to do what we know is right.  Moving is scary, but we will make friends if we first be a friend.  We will feel close to our neighborhood and ward if we get out and serve them. We will feel happy and uplifted on a daily basis if we remember to do those few things He asks of us.


It's 6 months later now, and we love our neighborhood.  The kids all have friends, I have made friends with a handful of awesome women. We don't feel as lonely as we thought we would. Our ward and stake have both split at different times, and there will be another split not too far off, but we are feeling more and more at home here.  We have my parents just on the other side of the lake, and old friends just 10 minutes away.  What more could we ask for?

Goodbye Old home... Hello New.

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