Saturday, June 23, 2012

Peg me!

"Peg me!"  We heard that a lot this summer.  The kids have figured our what those things poking our of their bike wheels are for.  At first we were all paranoid to let them peg anyone around or to BE pegged.  We made them gear up in knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet.  And it was a good thing.  They took a few spills for the first few days.  But now they are pros and we only make them wear the helmet.

Kaleb also has pegs on his bike and has pegged Bradley around.  But that STILL makes me nervous.

One day when we were riding bikes at the school Charles wanted to be cool and peg all the boys on Jaden's bike at once.

And they did.

Then Brynnlee was feeling left out and started running after them.  Charles picked her up and was about to take off... when the Party Pooper mom objected.

But she still gets a turn to ride.

Kaleb is getting pretty good on those monkey bars.  But when he forgets he still has his bike helmet on... I don't say a word.

Brynnlee wants to try everything her brothers do. Charles had her hanging there by herself for a few seconds.  She LOVED it.  But by the time I could grab the camera she was ready to come down.

1 comment:

  1. Those boys are lucky!! When we were younger we didn't have actual pegs we would stand on the tiny bolts that held the tire in place and we'd fall off every few seconds cause they were only about a half an inch from the tire/frame...lucky kids!!
