Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hidden City

After bowling, we took Charles to the new park we found.

So apparently there's this whole other city... hidden behind a small mountain pass (if you could even call it that) right next to my city.  I pass it every time I go to or from my parents' house... and I never knew it existed.  It's called Copperton.  A bunch of women from my ward were going to have a park playdate there, and I decided to go.  That is how we discovered it.

For Charles' early Father's Day, after bowling we took him here.

This city is so cool.  It feels like I am 50 years back in time.  All the houses are so old, but they even have a bank, a post office, a fire station, a church building, and I'm sure a bunch more things that we never saw.  But it is seriously totally hidden away.

The kids really love this park too.  I don't have a picture of it, but there's like this pyramid made out of cement and brick that have tunnels going though them and slides down the sides.  I don't know if they heard someone else call it this, or if they came up with it on their own, but they now call it Pyramid Park.

Kaleb's getting pretty good on the monkey bars and rings these days.

They also have a tennis court over there.  Since we didn't bring any racquets or balls, the kids had to get creative. Haha!

Happy Father's Day, Charles!

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