Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bear Lake - Tuesday

The next day, Grandma stayed at the cabin with the babies.  The rest of us got to play with these babies!

Apparently Ethan and Jaden are little speed demons.  As long as they are in the driver seat, they will go as fast as possible. 

Bradley will also go as fast as possible, but only if he is riding in a straight line.  He was not a fan of figure 8s or making whirlpools.

Kaleb took a little while longer to warm up to the wave runners.  But he put on as brave a face as he could muster.  He was so cute.  After riding around a little bit, I asked him if he wanted to keep going or if he had had enough.  He just gave me a big smile and said, "I want to give Bradley a turn so he can see how fun it is too!"  Way to save face, buddy.  By the end of the day he was almost up to full speed, and even took a couple turns driving.

Charles and I went out together once.  Usually people are afraid to ride with me because they are all a bunch of wusses.  I have met my match.  While I was riding in the back, Charles took a sharp turn so fast that I was airborne from my seat and almost went flying off to the side.  Thankfully I hung on, but I was pretty sure there was a thin layer of skin from my thigh left on the seat.  Your welcome for the visual.

Awww, look at the lovebirds.  :)

Charles made a friend that day.

I don't think he named him.  He should have.  He hung around for quite a long time.

The only bad thing about being at Bear Lake, was the congestion.

I mean, look how crowded it was there.

Kaleb spent a lot of the morning collecting seashells to decorate the day's sandcastle. 

He, Nathan and Bradley worked hard to delicately place each tiny shell.

They couldn't have made a more beautiful castle.

Lunch time!

Julianne and Ethan running on water.

Since the babies were not with us this time, we had to take our cue from the next youngest trooper.

Nathan was zonked out and snoring in the water.  I like his style.  :)

We packed up and drove back to the cabin.

Right around dinner time, we had a special visitor.

Bullwinkle was a frequent guest of ours.

Here he is in the backyard, clearly looking for a friend to play with... or munch on.

That night after we got all the kids to sleep, the big kids stayed up to play Fool's Rook.  Then Kare livened it up even more, by suggesting we put our cards on our heads so everyone but ourselves can see our cards.

Now that was comedy.

You know it was a good time when Dad is left laughing himself to tears.  :)

Good times.

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