Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Socci's Visit: Part 1

Grandma and Grandpa Socci came for a visit.  We got to have them all to ourselves for 8 or 9 days.

They brought the dogs, who set up camp in our shed.

They hadn't  even been here an hour when Sherrie got herself this lovely shiner.  I told her it looked like she had the hot smokey eye-shadow look going on.  This was when it looked the coolest.  After that, the color traveled down her face and took on the more traditional look of a blackeye.

How did it happen,  you ask?  Well.  In a nutshell:  Sherrie was holding onto the dog leashes while the guys were unloading the dog stuff from the truck and bringing it into the backyard.  One time when the gate opened, the dogs started going for the open gate, tangled Sherrie up in the leashes, which caused her to trip and fall flat her face.  Luckily she landed on the grass (barely missing the concrete) but she was wearing her glasses.  Ouch.

We hung out and relaxed a bit...

played with the electricity set, and built tree houses and forts with our blocks...

One day while the kids were playing outside, Brynnlee learned how to climb up the slide.  I wasn't there, but this is what I heard.  Charles and Sherrie were taking pictures, while Brynn made it all the way up and onto the deck.

One of the boys was already up on the deck, and got really excited that she had made it up all by herself.  He said, "Good job Brynnlee!" and went forward to  give her a hug.  Well Brynnlee isn't the most affectionate kid on the block and she started stepping backwards towards the rockwall.  That was when the cameras dropped... and so did Brynn.  She fell all the way down to the grass, but miraculously landed on her feet!

Another day, Grandma and Grandpa came home from the store with yo-yos for the boys.  Duncan yo-yos to be exact.  The boys had a lot more fun with those than the cheap prize ones you get at an arcade.

Then there was silly time with Grandpa.

I think Kalebv was pretending like he couldn't hear anyone with those headphones on.  Until...

Almost everyday of their visit, ended up like this.

We spent only a few days hanging out around the house.  Grandma and Grandpa had just endured  a 3-week stay at Great-Grandpa Socci's house where they had spent 99% of the time inside the house doing nothing.  We were determined to get them out of the house and give them a little bit more excitement on this trip.  Sooo....

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