Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Charles' New Calling and My Thoughts Along the Way...

***So I realize that you would probably be more interested in CHARLES' thoughts along the way... but he doesn't blog.  So you're stuck with mine. ***

Our Stake is getting divided.
No big deal.

Our Bishop has had his calling for over 5 years.
Yeah, we'll probably get a new bishop sometime.  It happens.

Charles has a feeling that a change is coming for our family.  He's not sure what it is.  He's thinking it could be either a new calling, a new house, or a new baby.
Ummm... NOT a baby!  Probably not a calling either.  Duh, it's a new house.  We just put an offer in on one a few weeks ago.

Charles is being heckled by current bishopric members that he will be put in the new bishopric.
Ha!  Yeah right.  That won't happen.
#1  Who said we're getting a new bishopric in the first place?
#2. He's too young.  WE'RE too young to be put in that situation. Those callings are for OLDER people.  Yes, his patriarchal blessing says he will serve these kinds of callings in the future... but not till we're OLDER.
#3.  Charles doesn't have a lot of time anyway.
#4. We have 4 kids ages 7 ages and under.  No one would do that to us. No one would do that to ME.  That would just be MEAN.
#5. We just put an offer in on a house.  It's being reviewed.  We're moving.

Charles and I get a call for an interview by the Stake Presidency.
Okay... Charles is the assistant financial clerk.  He's probably just going to be released with all the new stake changes coming... and probably be made the head financial clerk.
Yep. That's what it is.  No big deal.

I get heckled by ward members that my husband will be put in the new bishopric.
Ridiculous.  Not even worth a 2nd thought. 

Things are moving along with getting the new house...
But we are starting to have doubts.  I no longer feel comfortable with the whole process, and Charles is slowly getting on board with me.

Interview with the Stake Presidency.
I'm calm.  I know it's for Charles and it's not a big deal.

We chat for a while before the bomb is dropped.  I feel... totally blind-sided:  2nd Counselor to the Bishop.
Are you freaking-kidding me?!
Oh no.
This is a mistake.
Goodbye Charles.
Goodbye other house that was twice as big as ours, yet had a smaller mortgage payment.
I already knew we wouldn't move, but now it is certain.
I'm all alone with 4 crazy kids to deal with in sacrament meeting... I'm going to die.
Great, now I'm OLD too.

Also I have an eyelash stuck in my eye, and if I try and get it out, they'll think I'm crying.  Then I probably WILL cry. 

I wonder if I can get my mom and dad to come help me with the kids in sacrament meeting every Sunday.  Maybe Alli can come home from her mission early and join my ward so she can sit with me...  Okay, that's bad.

As we leave the Stake President's office he asks if we have any questions or if there is anything we need.  I ask for a paper bag.  Then I say, "Just kidding."
Sort of.

Charles tells me he has had a feeling all along that this is what it would be, but didn't want to say anything.  He didn't want to freak me out.
Oh thanks for the heads up!

Stake Conference comes and the stake gets split.  Our old bishop gets put in the new Stake Presidency.  Members speculate about who will be put in the new bishopric.  I get heckled again that it's going to be Charles.
Now I just feel sick.  But I respond with, "I think so-and-so would be a good choice."  And it's true.  I DO think that "so-and-so" would be a good choice.  But I know that it's not them.

Sunday comes.  I have spent a lot of time finding new activity books and things to keep the kids occupied during sacrament meeting.   Luckily my parents are there.  The sustainings happen, the stake presidency tells the new bishopric to kiss their wives goodbye and come sit up on the stand, and it is done.
But I feel peace.  I know Charles is called by Heavenly Father.  I know Charles is needed.  I know Charles will do a lot of good.  He is an amazing man.  I am lucky to be married to him.  I will miss him, but God will bless us and ease our burdens.  We will still find family time.  There was a point in our lives when (with 3 kids) Charles was working a full-time job, PLUS another half-time job, AND going to school full-time to earn hes MBA.  Time management.  Charles has it, and so I'm not worried.

And I will be okay during sacrament meetings.  There were a lot of people who came to me and along with their "Congratulations/ Condolences" said that they would love to help me out.  I feel blessed already.  We really have a great ward.

After the meeting, my dad ordains Charles as a High Priest, and then he is set apart by President Steel.
Both blessings were beautiful.  My dad mentioned that Charles has always wanted to do the right thing, and listen to God, even before he joined the church.  He said that Charles has had a strong upbringing and that he continues that same path today.  He said that through Charles' example of service to the church, our kids will see it and want to be like him.  They will grow up strong in the church and close to their Father in Heaven. My dad baptized him when Charles was 17 years old.  It was August 29th, 1998.  My dad also ordained him to be an Elder.  It was really nice to see my dad ordain him a High Priest too.  President Steel's blessing was also powerful.  It was comforting to hear all the specific keys and blessings that Charles will now hold.  Instead of feeling dread for the calling, I was feeling more and more lucky, to have this man.  And I'm okay with sharing him.

We cancelled the offer on the other house, and actually feel relief.  And although it has only been a few days since Charles was sustained, we are already seeing new blessings within our family.  We feel calm, and we feel happy. 

Well... Charles is still a little nervous about fulfilling the calling, and I'm a little terrified about sitting by myself with the 4 kids.  But we'll be okay.  :)


  1. Of course Charles is awesome, and of course this was bound to happen! That's what we get when we marry such great guys. BTW you don't have 4 kids UNDER the age 7...see, burden lifted already :)

  2. I am happy on all accounts - You aren't moving! You will start coming to church and can sit by me! (oh yeah, you come to church already...) But you aren't moving! I will just have to watch what I say to you - because I would hate for it to get back to the bishopric! Ha - yeah, that probably won't happen, I will still talk smack!
    BTW...did I mention that I am glad you aren't moving?!

  3. What the heck!?! How could you not call me!?! Silly girl! Of all people I can relate to this. Remember three kids, three and under, soon to be four kids, four and under. There are many blessings that come along with the calling, but seriously call me if you're ever having a meltdown. I've had a few of my own. Alright, good luck! Love you...

  4. Ha! That's all you can do is laugh, right? You guys are a great family and Charles is a rock star! Congrats!
