Sunday, May 29, 2011

My birthday... the big 3-0

I turned 30.

My 20's are gone.

It happened, and I'm over it.

But I can't really complain because being 30 means I am no longer pregnant!
Being 30 means that I have 4 of the best kids ever, and that I'm getting 6 hour stretches of sleep. (That's a good thing... and it will only get better.)
Being 30 means Charles has a great job, and we are no longer in limbo.

And having a birthday means Charles will make me his amazing lasagna. (Seriously the best ever, nothing compares.)

And I also get my favorite cake in the whole world: Texas Sheet Cake. Mmmmmmmm!

We celebrated on Wednesday. The kids were awful all morning. I wanted to sell them by the afternoon. For cheap.

But by eveningtime was when Daddy came home, we went to Grandma's and the fun began.

The presents were awesome and the food couldn't have been better.

And Brynnlee really is a sweet girl. For my birthday, she gave me 9 and 1/2 hours of sleep. I'm serious. She really knew it was what I wanted. And again, she saved it just for my day. I haven't had it again since...

...or maybe it was because I accidentally slept with my door shut that night...

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