Monday, December 19, 2011

Kaleb learns a 2-Wheeler

Back in the summertime, Kaleb said he wanted his training wheels off. So Charles took him to the church, removed the extra wheels and let him try.  He did okay, but then after one fall he said he had enough and wanted them back on.

Then in October, after seeing how much faster all the neighborhood kids could ride without training wheels, Kaleb just picked up his friend Micah's 2-wheeler, and taught himself how to ride.

Later that evening, he told Charles he didn't need training wheels anymore.  We were a little skeptical, but Charles removed them again anyway, and off he went.  He really did just teach himself!  We were so amazed!  Ahhh, the power of peer pressure...

The kids had so much fun this year riding their bikes, scooters and skateboards.  They even learned a trick and there.

Man I miss warm weather.

1 comment:

  1. Jaden is amazing. I can't even ride a bike let alone stand one footed on the seat while its in motion.
