Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today at church...

(During the Sacrament)

Bradley:  Mom!  I see Jesus!
Me:  You do?
B: Yeah, And-and-and-and you know what, Mom?
Me: What?
B: Jesus made me.
Me: That's  right!
B: And he made my's body. He make my's leg and-and-and-and-and- he make my's foot.
Me: Very good!
B: Jesus make my's leg, and my's foot.  (thinks for a bit) And he make my's BUTT!  (Giggles) And my's PEH-PAY!
Me: Sshhhh!  (Whispering...) That's right.


Kaleb playing with Brynn...

K: THIS little piggie went to the park, and THIS little piggie had some, and THIS little piggie had none, THIS little piggie went to the market, and THIS little piggie went WEE-WEE-WEE all the way home!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you think to blog about these cute little moments. I love reading about them and of course you are going to love having them years down the road to remember how stinkin adorable your kids were!!!!!!!
