Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bradley's Update:

Bradley has been such a fun kid to watch. He really is his own little person. He is hasn't really found much pleasure in doing what the other kids are doing, or watching TV, or even playing with other kids. He usually prefers to hang with the adults, or be by himself. So when Kaleb threatens him with, "Fine! I'm not gonna play with you anymore!" I hear Bradley reply, "That's okay. Me always by myself." :(

Here he is, dressed by himself in the morning, playing by himself before I had even gotten up. He had also snuck a bag of doritos for breakfast. He's so independent!

One day he hurt his foot outside, and he came in to fix his owie. He usually just climbs up on top of the kitchen counter and gets a bandaid out of the cabinet to make it feel it better. But sometimes he bonks his head in the process, and forgets where he originally needed to put his bandaid. So he puts it where it hurts now.

Sometimes a bandaid isn't good enough. He needs a wet paper towel. But a wipe soaked in water will also work for him. He takes good care of himself.

The other day he wanted to play with the neighbors across the street. I told him to wait for Jaden and Kaleb to finish their snack so they could hold hands as they cross the street. He just looked up at me with all the sincerity a 2 year old can offer, showed me his clasped hands and said, "But look. Me can just hold hands with... my other hand." What a problem solver. :)

Recently he discovered how to reach the chips at the top of the pantry. And so he taught Kaleb too.

Another way he shows his independence, is through potty training. Let's just say, I'm sure it will it happen, when HE wants it to.

He still loves those magnet blocks. He is always finding new things to do with them. And enlisting people's help.

He, like Kaleb likes to play photographer. But he's more into candid shots... and using a real camera. He loves to take pictures of the couch, the ceiling, the floor, his sister...

and himself.

Now that we've talked about all the cute things he likes to do, let me tell you about some not-so cute things. While driving one day, I asked Bradley what he was doing. He said, "Eating." Then he sighed and said to himself... "Me wuv boogers."

He not only likes to eat them, but he likes to torture us all with them. He puts one on his tongue and then chases us around with it. It's SO gross! It makes me gag everytime. I never thought I'd hear myself saying, "Swallow it!"... in reference to a booger.

He also likes to do the Diaper Dance. And maybe THIS is the real reason why he doesn't want to give up diapers.

Bradley is also very aware of his feelings and of those around him. If someone is sad or angry, he will say, "you not happy?" "Why you not happy?" And he tries to make everyone become happy. He checks by saying, "Happy now?"

And he's so cute, that when he does something wrong, and I start to reprimand him, and he just looks at me with those big blue eyes, and chubby cheeks, and says, "you not happy wit me?"... I can't help but smile.

Seriously, this kid could get away with anything.

And he's very honest. I don't think he knows what a lie is. If he's being defiant, I might say, "Bradley, I am not happy right now."

(Usually that will cut to h is heart and he will want to change.)

But the other day he just kept on doing what he was doing wrong, and said, "well, I am happy."

I asked him if he wanted a spanking. He just looked at me thoughtfully, and said, "Where?"

And then a few nights ago, we were at my mom and dad's house for dinner. Bradley just got out of his seat and went for the cupboard. His plate was still full of food, so I asked him what he was doing, he just smiled and said, "getting some candy."

We just laughed and said, "At least he's honest!"

Bradley heard us and said, "Yeah. I tell the truth."

This kid is a crack up. He has us laughing on a daily basis. He has his defiant moments, which sadly are becoming more and more frequent, but he's just too cute to stay angry with.

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