So! To begin this post, I must first tell the story of actually getting on to the blasted plane. So you're supposed to get there an hour early, right? Alli and I were exactly an hour early. I was bringing Kare a bunch of baby clothes, so we had a couple bags to check. The line was long. Not too bad, but when we noticed that there were like 3 out of 10 counters open, we understood why it was so long. It wasn't moving! We thought about using the Sky Cap to check our bags, there were no lines there. But you have to tip those guys, and the lowest bill I had on me was a 10. So, no. Not gonna do that. After about 30 minutes, we had our bags checked.
Next was the Security line. Holy crap that line was longer, and moved even slower! We both kind of stood there silently for a while. Both wondering, "are we were actually going to make our flight?" and probably, "why does Crissy have to be so cheap and not use the Sky Cap?" We watched the clock as we slowly made our way through the line. Finally, when we had 10 minutes before our plane was scheduled to leave, and one more switchback of line before getting to the security checkpoint, I broke the silence with,
"So... I usually try and wait to the last minute to panic, but I think we're pretty much there. We're gonna miss our flight, aren't we?"
Alli just laughed and said, "Yeah, I think so. But there are flights going to LAX all the time, so maybe we can just catch a later one."
I must say, Alli was a WHOLE lot calmer than I had expected her to be. Honestly I thought she would be mad at me for being such a cheapskate and making us miss our plane because of it. So we made it to the security podium where they check your ID right when our plane was supposed to depart. The attendant just looked at us and said, "Yeah you probably missed it. They close the airplane door 10 minutes before departure.
But we didn't give up hope.
We took our shoes, jackets and metal off, breezed through the checkpoint, and as I was grabbing my shoes, Alli said, "Should I run?"
I said, "Go!"
She took off toward our gate, which was the farthest Southwest gate possible. I, being 6 months pregnant, also took off running. I had to stop to catch my breath every so often, but I pretty much ran the whole way too. You should have seen the awkward stares I was getting. Here's this big pregnant woman running down the halls, sweat dripping off her face, rings of perspiration under her arms... pulling her carry-on luggage, purse falling off her shoulder, big coat swung over her arm... yet no golf cart to offer assistance! That's ok. I think I was faster anyway.
By the time I arrived at the gate (5 minutes after departure time), I was picturing the gate door closing. But it was open! There was no attendant. But I could see Alli at the end of the ramp-thing turning to board the plane. But there was no one to take my ticket!
Then I started picturing the airplane door being closed while I just stood there waiting for someone. I couldn't get this close and then miss it. So I looked around, scanned my own ticket, dropped it on the pile of other tickets and then took off running to the plane.
As I was rounding the corner my plane in sight, an attendant showed up and said... "do you have a ticket?"
I stopped and timidly answered, "Yyyes. I dropped it on top of the pile."
He then said, "well, come back with me, we need to scan it."
I was about to walk back with him, but I felt too weak. So I said, a little more sheepishly, "Yyyeah. I already did that."
He turned around on me like he was gonna scream, then looked down at my belly and noticed that I was preggo. "Just wait here then and I'll holler if there's a problem." He did whatever he had to do, yelled to me that I was good to go, and somehow... miraculously... I boarded my plane at 10 minutes past departure." I even had a seat next to Alli. I buckled up my seat just as we started backing out.
Alli and I were both sitting there, sweaty, dead, and unable to speak. Words really can't describe the amount of exhaustion we felt. When the attendant asked over the mic who was happy to be there, I couldn't help raise my hand and say, "YES!" Alli wasn't quite ready to share the enthusiasm. Apparently that attendant who took our tickets was a big raunch to her. He yelled at her for having a big bag and made her check it. Then, when she told him that she has a pregnant sister on the way, he yelled at her for that too. :( Sorry Alli...
Our connecting flight was obviously a lot smoother. Kare picked us up in Tucson where we went out to Rocco's (a pizza place) for dinner. We wanted to take a picture, but didn't want to ask anyone to do it. So Alli set the timer on the camera (2 seconds), put it on the napkin holder and rushed back for the photo. Haha! We tried it twice, and didn't get a good picture, but at least we can see Alli in this one!
After that we went to see... a WICKED awesome musical! (Thank you, Mom!)
It was sooooooo good. I want to see it again. But when I'm not pregnant. Kare and I went to use the restroom before it started, and holy long line! There were easily over 100 women in line. Ridiculous. So we decided to hold it. Then halfway through the show, someone pulled the fire alarm and we were all evacuated to an open grassy area across the street from the building. All I have to say is... THANK GOODNESS. Did I find a couple dumpsters to pee behind during our 30 minute "break?" You bet I did. Did my husband call me 'white trash' for doing it? You bet he did.
After that, we sat on a stone bench in the freezing cold, waiting for the "ok" to return to the building. When we stood up to go inside, we had the craziest sensation on our butts. I guess because the bench was so much colder than the air, it felt like when we got up, we had heaters on our booties. It was so weird! But kinda nice... I'm not gonna lie.
Anyway, Wicked was awesome. I'm so glad I got to see it. Glinda is hilarious! Then we spent the rest of our time in Sierra Vista playing with Nathan. Here he is after an unfortunate barfing incident at the mall.
We played cars, and blocks, ate out everyday, rented movies, played games with Curtis, took naps and just had fun together. One day, Kare checked her mail and there was a surprise for all of us from Julianne. She makes jewelry. Awesome jewelry. She made us each a ring, bracelet and necklace. What a cute girl she is! (Thanks, Jules! We missed you!)
Alli didn't stay in Arizona as long as I did. So on Saturday, we took her back to the airport in Tucson. Kare and Alli said their goodbyes... sad, because they wouldn't see each other until after Alli's mission. Really weird that Nathan will have doubled in age when she gets back, and Kare's new little girl will be the age that Nathan is now now when she finally gets to meet her. Crazy. But I'm especially grateful for this trip because it allowed me to spend more time with Alli (without the distraction of my kids) before she leaves. I'm really gonna miss that girl. :(
After we dropped Alli off, we decided to do a little shopping in Tucson. We went to Michael's to buy flowers and jewels to make these: Interchangeable headbands for baby girl.
We have both made these before as gifts for our sisters-in-law. But this time, we got to make them for ourselves. :) While we were at Michael's we were talking to a lady who was giving us all kinds of great tips for making these. Then she said, "but my mind is so frazzled with what just happened. Have you heard the news?" Just then Kare got a text from Alli.
At that moment we learned about the shooting of Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords just a few miles away from us. We didn't know details, just that around 20 people had been shot at the local Safeway.
After that, we hurried to buy our stuff and just wanted to get the heck out of Tucson. We didn't know if the shooter had been caught, or how many there were, or if they were driving around shooting up any place else. So we hurried to the car, turned on the radio and listened to what little news they had for us at the time.
In our hour-long drive back to Sierra Vista, we learned that Gabrielle Giffords had died... was NOT dead, but in surgery... has died... was not dead, but has come out of surgery... has died, has NOT died, but is now responding. We didn't know what to believe. But I knew that whenever we passed a car that had a bumper sticker for the opponent she had barely just won the election over... I slouched a little lower in my seat.
Sunday we went to church and then lazed around, and Monday we made these. We made one for each of us.

But the most fun was playing with this little man. He loved to show me his little playroom under the stairs that Dad built for him, as well as show me all of his cool toys. We played cars, and blocks and he even played a little something for me on the piano. He dances all the time and has got a shoulder shimmy like you wouldn't believe! He liked my phone and my ipod a lot, but I'm pretty sure his favorite thing is...

... a Capri Sun.
This kid would drink all day if Kare let him. He goes to the pantry and picks one out and brings it to someone who will open it. Alli always did. :) Then he gulps and gulps until it is gone. Never stops. I have never seen a half empty Capri Sun of his. It's either unopened or empty. And when he's done, he goes back for another. If Kare puts them higher up on the shelf, he scoots a chair over to the pantry and climbs up to get one. If a box is unopened, he will carry the entire box in hopes that someone will pity him enough for carrying half his own weight and open him a drink. It usually works. :) This kid is the cutest. Thank you Nathan, for giving me your room for the week, even though you were sick!
The next day I went home. I was excited to see my family again. Just wish the feeling had been mutual! Lol! The boys had way too much fun having a 'boys week,' and seeing so much of their Daddy, that I think seeing me just meant the fun was over. Ouch. Oh well. Back to reality. :)
so fun!!
ReplyDeleteI was NOT mad at you nor did I think you were a cheapskate! I would've been more mad at you for giving those guys $10 for doing something that people do inside for free. Do the guys inside get paid more than the guys outside? That doesn't make sense to me because the guys outside are...hello, OUTSIDE. They should get more for the adverse conditions. Oh man, that was a crazy morning, I was seriously sweaty the whole way to LAX.
ReplyDeleteAnd for your viewers, I call that picture at Rocco's, "Heheh! I'm in the picture whether you're ready or not!"
And Charles, she is not white trash. She used a clean kleenex from a package in her purse.
Nathan, I may never eat Chinese food again after having witnessed you throw up whilst eating it. So thanks for that.
Alls I can say is i'm going to be the bling-blangiest missionera in my errrea because Jules has hooked me up big time with her jewelry.
What a fun week! Thanks Curtis for helping us to sleep in the lounge of luxury. And Nathan for willingly putting on sunglasses.
Keywords for the week: Slush puppies=gross, 64 oz= huge, Blockbuster=lame, Molestation, Dang Gina
Okay - this looks like such a fun trip! What a great gift from your husband to stay home with the kiddo's so that you guys could have some sister time! I TOTALLY need to do something like this with my sisters!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd since my baby will be born before yours - I am going to need to borrow that carseat cover, and those headbands! I will decide later if you get them back! :)