Friday, January 14, 2011

Last Few Days with Aunt Alli

Alli leaves for the MTC soon. We've been trying to get our fill of Alli-time (without making her sick of us) as much as we can. The kids have been getting into puzzles lately, so here they are working on them with Alli.

They decided to have a race. Alli with the 2 big ones on the floor, Jaden with the 4 small ones, and Kaleb with the Circle ones.

After the boys won, they came down to the floor to help Alli finish hers.

And then celebrated by doing one of Kaleb's booty dances.

Alli read to them their new favorite book, Chicken Cheeks. We got this book from our good friends, the Holbrooks. It's a story all about different words for "bum." It cracks them up every single time. Hahaha!

Alli showed the boys a youtube video about a 4 year old who could stack, collapse and restack a couple pyramids in less than 10 seconds. So the boys wanted to try. Heh-heh!

Here they are shooting hoops with Alli. Kaleb's getting to be pretty good. :)

Then there was a snowball fight. This was when Kaleb threw one right into Jaden's ear. Jaden was NOT happy. After that, Alli had the idea to throw snowballs at shadows instead.

Then Bradley asked Alli in his sweet little voice if she would help him build a snowman. This kid is pretty hard to refuse, but nearly impossible for Alli. So she got some gloves and helped him build a few small ones. They did the best they could with how dry the snow was. What a nice Aunt.

We spent some time with Alli at Mom and Dad's house too. The kids brought their Chicken Cheeks book, and puzzles and got to work.

Kaleb kept saying, "We are good at figuring things out. We are puzzle-mans!"

Bradley's really good too. He can do the 2 circle ones without any help.

One of the kids' favorite things to do with Alli is a good old-fashioned Mad Lib. You know, where the kids come up with nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc... to insert to a story, and then they listen to how silly it is. With my boys, you can always expect the words, toilet, fart, toots, booty, stinky and poop to be included.

They crack themselves up, over and over. Bless Alli for putting up with it as long as she does!

We're really gonna miss this girl. Alli, thanks for always being such an awesome sister and Aunt. These boys love you so much. Sacramento, California, you have no idea how lucky you are! We all love you, Alli. :) Good luck and you'll do amaaaazing things. :)


  1. I love you all very much! You and Charles are great parents. And boys, you are such good brothers to each other and always make me smile! Thank you for the fun times, I can't wait to see what you can do when I get back. I'll miss you so much!

  2. When are you leaving Alli?
    I cannot believe that Bradley is doing puzzles by himself...I seriously think he's a genius, I am telling everyone at work that...First the building of towers, now puzzles, what else can this kid do??
