Friday, December 31, 2010

Barbies and Bracelets! Boogers and Bugs! Ice skating! Bungee Jumping!

(I stole this off of Alli's blog This is Aunt Alli's writing.)

Jaden and I decided to take Kaleb ice skating. They have been talking about going since the weather started to get cold and Jaden has been teaching Kaleb how to do it on the wood floors in their socks. So we decided to go last Saturday. I was excited to take Jaden because I knew he could do it and he was really looking forward to it. I was happy to take Kaleb because he wanted to go, because Jaden wanted to go. I also thought Kaleb was skillfully capable of ice skating, but he had to have the right attitude. We all know his timid personality in certain situations can be quite limiting. But I was hoping that because he thought he was so excited, it would be okay.

We went to McDonald's to get lunch and I clearly asked for boy toy happy meals and we ended up with two Hello Kitty watches instead. I was thinking, "oh great, just when I finally have Jaden convinced that ice skating isn't just for girls." They decided to give their watches to their mommy and Kare's new baby girls. (Although I heard that later that night they were both wearing the watches) Kaleb was getting a little sleepy and kept slapping himself while saying, "Wake up, Kaleb!"

On the way to the skating rink, Jaden and I were telling Kaleb that it's okay if we fall, how we learn when we make mistakes and when someone falls, we first ask if they are okay and then we all laugh. We were trying to prep him as much as possible. When we got to the rink and put on the skates, Jaden was teaching Kaleb how to walk around on the skates like a pro. Then we got to the ice. Jaden was surprised at how hard it was and grabbed onto me. Kaleb held onto me for dear life with both hands. I knew that there was no way I could keep both of them from falling, plus I knew Jaden could do it on his own once he got going, so I told him to stay close to the wall and grab on if he needed to. (Sorry, Jaden).

Then we got going around...slowly...very slowly...Jaden was doing okay, he fell quite a bit but put on a really good face for Kaleb. Poor Kaleb was scared out of his mind. He was doing a really great job, he was just super freaked out. It took us about 30 minutes to go around the first time and Kaleb never fell!

Then Kaleb and I sat down while Jaden skated back and forth in front of us. Kaleb did not want to go back out. I told him we needed to go around so Jaden could go again. We went back out but after a quarter of a lap, Kaleb was pretty upset, so I was just pulling him along. Jaden got ahead of us so I was trying to catch up, but then he circled back for us but passed us so I turned around to call for him, but as soon as I did that Kaleb fell for the first time and freaked out, then I turned to look back at Jaden and he was in tears saying he hurt his back. Then I decided I needed to come back with reinforcements next time.

I think they had some fun...I hope. But Jaden can skate by himself in small doses and Kaleb can skate holding one hand. He doesn't need the wall like he thinks he does because when people would be standing against the wall, we would have to go around without holding onto anything and he did it just fine! I have no video of Kaleb for the simple reason that he would not let go of me long enough to snap a picture, let alone take a video. But here are some of Jaden's wicked skills. He can now get up all by himself too, which Kare can attest to, in winter sports being able to stand up on one's own can be quite difficult.


The Merrills said...

You are brave, taking both boys all by yourself. It sounds as though it went well though, all things considered. I appreciated your acknowledgment of how difficult it is for certain people to stand up in sports such as really is stinkin hard! So good job Jaden for being able to get back up! It's definitely NOT an easy task. Kaleb cracks me up, slapping himself awake, what a character. You're the best aunt ever!

Allison Ashton said...

Thanks for saying that. I doubt Kaleb will ever go again though.

Charles and Crissy said...

HAHAHA! I love the first video where Kaleb keeps trying to get in the shot. And the last one is a little painful to watch... "Jeeez!" Lol! Ah, poor kid! :) I was laughing when you said it took 30 minutes to go around one time. Man, you are patient. You're so good at this stuff, that I think you could totally handle taking Bradley. What do you say... tomorrow? And thank you again for taking my boys. They had been looking forward to it for a LONG time. You rock, Alli. :)

Allison Ashton said...

Yeah, the "jeez" video makes me cringe, but I wasn't expecting him to get upset because he was soooo good about laughing it off in front of Kaleb. Plus it was funny when he said he did the splits. But did you hear Kaleb ask if he was okay? Good boy! And sorry, they don't give out ice skates that small...too bad...

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