Thursday, September 29, 2011

Marriage, Fighting and Dance Parties


Bradley:  Mommy?
Me:  Yes?
Bradley:  When you die, can I marry you?
Me: Well that's weird... a little morbid... but sweet.  Sure.

a few days later...

Bradley: Daddy?
Charles: Yes, bud?
Bradley: When you die, can I marry you?
Charles: Sure you can.
Me: What the?!


Best Kaleb threats so far:
"You want me to punch you in your back?"
"Watch me, or I'll punch you in the face!"
"Do it, or I'll rip your arm off and punch you in the face... with your own fist!"


Jaden: Uh, Dad?
Charles: Yes?
Jaden: (hands in pockets and looking down) Uh... there's this... uh... party? And I uh... was wondering if me and Kaleb could, uh, y'know, uh, go to it?
Charles: Who's party is it?
Jaden: Jackson's
Charles: When is it?
Jaden:Uh... after dinner.
Charles: What kind of party is it?
Jaden: It's uh, a dance party.

At this point Charles and I are trying so hard not to laugh.

Charles: Who else is invited?
Jaden:  All the neighborhood kids.  And families are invited too.
Charles: Do Jackson's parents know about this party?
Jaden:  I don't know. I think so.
Charles: Sure you can go.

The kids leave, and I ask Charles if we should go check it out.  He says we don't want to be the annoying parents who crash the party.  (If there really IS a party) I remind him that families are invited, so we decide to wait 10 minutes before crashing.

On our way over we see another neighborhood girl, Brooklyn who's 5, heading down the street.
Me: Where you going, Brook?
Brook: To the dance party.

Charles and I just look at each other and try again not to laugh.

When we get there, we see about 7 kids playing on bikes and skateboards.  But no Jackson in sight.  I ask Jaden where he is, and he said he had to go in and have his own dinner.  I asked if the party was over, and he said, "I don't know. Jackson is the director, we have to ask him."

These kids crack me up!


We can't forget Brynnlee...
She's learning to sit up... kind of.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure Bradley didn't mean BURY you? Instead of Marry??
