Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Day of School

 Jaden's school switched from year round to traditional.  I have mixed feelings about the change, but so far it's been okay.  His teacher in Mr. Men and from what I hear, he is a crack up.

I don't  get too many details from Jaden about school, but I know he is such a good student.  The first thing he does when he gets home is pull out his homework, get through it as fast as he can and then spends the rest of his time until dinner outside with the neighbor kids.  I never have to fight with him about his homework.  (Knock on wood!)

Kaleb started his 3rd year of preschool at Sunshine Square.

When we met Miss Michelle, we were very clear in filling her in on Kaleb's record of being extremely shy and taking forever before uttering a single word.

On the 3rd week of school, she pulled me aside to talk about Kaleb's behavior.  I was pretty sure she was going to say that he just sits there quietly, but his lack of participation is becoming a problem.  That's usually the case.

Instead she told me that he and another kid are playing around and having a little too much fun, to the point of becoming a distraction. Kaleb also likes to make the other kids laugh by falling out of his seat.

I couldn't suppress the smile, "Really? Uh-I mean. Really."

I told Charles the good news and he said, "Poor kid. He just can't win."


Bradley started his first year of preschool and is also at Sunshine Square.   He loves to go to school to see his friends and to see "Miss tuh-weesa!"  (Miss Teresa)

He is our first kid to hop the "timid barrier."  He talks not only to his teacher, but ALL the teachers.  They all think he is sooooo adorable.  Which he is.

It has been fun having 2 kids go to the same school.  It's like pulling teeth trying to get them to tell me what they did at school that day.  But with 2 of them, they are so excited to tell each other about everything they did. I just drive and listen.

Bradley is so cute.  I catch him singing songs that he has learned, and he is seriously SO excited about every little thing he does or brings home.  He's just a happy kid.

Since his birthday was the week before school started (pretty sure he is the youngest in the class) I got to go in one day and bring cupcakes.

This is his tiny class of 6. Only 1 girl.

For his birthday he also got to bring in his favorite thing to do... magnet blocks of course!

Last week while driving home from my mom and dad's house for dinner one night, Charles was making a right-hand turn.  The light was red.  Charles made his turn.  Bradley got so upset.

"That light was RED Daddy!  You-you-you-you not supposed to go. You-you-you supposed to STOP."

Not thinking much of it, Charles just said, "You're right.  I should have stopped."

Then I heard Bradley muttering to himself in his carseat, "I'm gonna tell Miss Tuh-weesa. My Daddy didn't stop.  And the light was red."

A whole week later, on the same drive home, we came to the exact same red light.  Charles made his turn.

A distraught little Bradley, almost in tears whined, "Daddyyyy! You did it again!" A big frown on his face.  Poor little guy.  At least we know that he takes what he learns in school very seriously. :)


  1. I lost what I just wrote...here I go again...

    I cna't believe Jaden is in second grade and old enough to play outside with friends!!

    Charles is right, Kaleb just can't win. But I am gla that he seems to be liking school. I can see him being a goofball and falling out of his chair, good luck with that one!

    I didn't know that Bradley was starting preschool (or maybe I did but I was in denial...). They are all getting big so fast, but I am glad to see that Bradley still isn't shy about picking his nose!

    How are things at home with no one there (when I wrote this the first time, I kinda forgot that you still have Brynnlee with you, not gonna lie...)

  2. Bradley is already a back seat driver -- make sure you remind him of this when he is driving.

  3. I think Kaleb looks EXACTLY like Cha in that picture where Brad-man is picking his nose! Also, I am so happy that Kaleb is getting over his shyness!

  4. Amber- I hate when that happens! And things are good! Brynnlee's getting a little better about not screaming the entire time she is in her carseat, so I can get some grocery shopping done when the boys are all at school.

    Bryce~ Good idea! I think he worried that Charles will get sent to jail... yet he's also willing to rat him out...

    Kare~ Me too. I couldn't believe I was getting THAT talk from his teacher.
