Sunday, October 17, 2010

The upside to morning sickness...

IF there is an upside to morning sickness, I think I have found it. Having to surrender any thoughts of being productive, working out, doing a project, finishing a book, and even my normal day-to-day list so that I can lay on a couch and feel like a worthless bump on a log has totally sucked... Not to mention the CONSTANT feeling of upchuck rising. But I believe there was a blessing in disguise.

I seem to be a person who always has to be working on something. When one project is finished there are 20 more in line. I have to feel (and even see) a sense of accomplishment daily, in order to stay happy. And a lot of times, the kids can get in the way. Well, these last couple of months have been a major reality check for me.

While being forced to lay on the couch and do nothing but pay attention to my kids, I have realized something. They are pretty freaking awesome. Not that I didn't ever pay attention to them before, but just not to the same degree.

They are SO sweet and caring. One night, after telling them I was too sick to take them to the park, I went upstairs to lay down for a bit. When I came back down, Kaleb was entertaining Bradley, and Jaden had cleaned the entire downstairs for me.

Almost daily, Kaleb will give me his special blankets and bear to lay with on the couch. A few nights he even gave them to me to sleep with. That may not sound like much, but if you know Kaleb, you know it's the most heartfelt thing he can do.

Bradley can be really good at playing independently when I need to rest. It's so sweet to watch him playing on his own.

Kaleb has moments where he is the most affectionate in the family. He tells me how much he loves me, he makes sure I sit next to him at the table, he likes to have a group hug and even a group kiss.

Jaden takes care of his brothers. He helps them get their shoes on, and their seat belts too. He takes them in the backyard and plays with them for hours. He pushes them on the swing, helps them climb a ladder or a rockwall, hugs and kisses anyone who gets hurt, gets them a drink of water, builds guns out of blocks for each of them, ties a rope around their waists to hold their swords, and always cleans up.

Kaleb is so funny. He's so original--(When he's not repeating every word Jaden says, just to annoy him.) Bradley loves to copy Kaleb, it's the cutest thing.

Bradley now likes to pester. I think if I wasn't "appreciating" my kids like I have been recently, I would just be annoyed by it. But I seem to have more patience.

These last few months, there has rarely been a night where I didn't go to bed thinking, "I love those boys. They are the best kids."

I've always known my kids were awesome, but I guess I never fully appreciated them till now. I think that what this has taught me is that I need to not focus so much on my to-do lists, and focus more on them. It helps me to understand them better, have more patience, and just love them more. They are growing up quickly and I want to enjoy them as much as I can.

I'm not sure how I ended up with a shot like this.
They don't even realize how funny it is.

I told them to pretend to be thinking... haha!

These kids are the best friends, and I love them to death. :)


  1. I love all these pictures. I love how Bradley is poking himself in the cheek when he's "thinking" in the first thinking picture, and how Kaleb looks like he's planning something devious and naughty when HE'S "thinking". Jaden too now that I think about it. Heh. And yes, I love how awesome kids can be when you're sick. I just got over a week of being sick (I know, boo-hoo poor me)and Ethan was pretty much an angel most of the time. I even asked him to be quiet for like, 10 whole minutes because I had a headache, and HE DID IT.

    Now, think of this: a lot of their behavior mimicks the behavior they've seen you and Charles display--so if they're such awesome kids, (which they are), what does that say about their parents? Hmmmmmmmm? Yep, that's right. Projects and all you've obviously found time to show them how much you care about them, and to teach them how to be thoughtful, compassionate, and FUN-LOVING little guys. So, IMHO, YOU rock too, chica.

  2. I love this; thanks for your perspective, Crissy!

  3. What an awesome post! I'm a project-aholic, too, so I really needed this reminder. Thanks for writing it so I don't have to get pregnant and sick to get it...

    I love love love these pictures, too. You can tell your boys are so fun and full of personality. Congrats on the baby on the way -- that is very exciting!

  4. Can someone please send me one of those dumb kleenex packages in the mail? Yay for good kids. The see, hear, and speak no evil impromptu picture is hilarious! I don't know how you got it but it's perfect. Three little monkeys...

    Jaden looks gigantic in these pictures...except for that blasted front tooth.

  5. Just had to stop by again and look at these adorable boys. I can't wait to see you all today!!! (well maybe not til tomorrow...can't believe you will make me wait so long)

  6. I love all the pictures...I can't believe how fast they are all growing up!! They are all awesome, and Julianne is right, both you and CHarles are awesome too, it's where they get it from!

  7. AAAHHH I love that post! And I LOVE YOU! Congrats on the little girly! Hope the sickness has somewhat subsided...
