Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jaden and Forrest Jr.

Jaden and his cousin Forrest Jr. were sitting in the pool and they were taking turns playing "the Dad."

This is the conversation Charles overheard:

(Forrest is the Dad, and Jaden is the kid.)

F: You are NOT going to the party tonight, and you are NOT going to the club.

J: Why not?

F: Because your girlfriend will be there. And you can't kiss her.

J: Well. I'm GOING. (Swims to the other side of the pool and comes back)

J: I'm back.

F: Did you kiss her?

J: Yeah!

F: That's it! You're grounded! For a MONTH!

(Now Jaden is the dad and Forrest is the kid)

F: Can I go to a costume party?

J: Is your girlfriend gonna be there?

F: Yeah.

J: Well you better not kiss her!

F: I'm GOING to! (Forrest swims to the other side and comes back)

J: Well? Did you kiss her?

F: Yeah!

J: Fine. You're grounded for TWO months!

1 comment:

  1. they crack me up!! I can't believe they are growing up too fast!!
