Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jaden's Blog... Tooth Fell Out

I KNEW it would come out today! I'm so happy that my tooth is gone because I love that. First my tooth moved to the side, then it fell out! It was bleeding when it fell out. So much that I wanted to scream, but I remembered,"No screaming in school." So I kept my scream inside, and I thought I was gonna DIE. So I put my finger on the spot where my tooth came out and kept it there till it was dry.

Then I picked up my tooth, went to the coat hanger and got my Ziploc bag and put it in there. I raised my hand to tell my teacher but she never called on me.

I put it under my pillow. I hope the Tooth Fairy will come tonight!

Well thank you. See ya later Alligator. Crocodile.


  1. How did your teeth get bleeding!? Was there a little black spot that made it bleeding. I don't really know. So could you tell me on one of your other blogs?

    I love you Jaden, Bye.

  2. How did you two know??!?!
