Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jaden: Jr. Jazz

I think basketball is Jaden's sport.  He's a little more aggressive and he's all about the basketball attire. :) He seems to really enjoy it too.  This season his team actually had practice during the week.  His Wednesdays became the busiest day of the week.  He would get home from school at 4:00, do his homework until practice at 5:30 and then straight to scouts at 6:30, and be home in time for a quick bite to eat, a shower and then in bed by 8:30.  I think it gave me a glimpse into the busy week of an involved high schooler. I think instead of being terrified when Jaden is old enough to drive, I'll probably just be relieved... Maybe.

But I sure love Game Day Saturdays.

Jaden played with his buddies Austin and Kisaac.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Those poor kids staring longingly at the pool through the window . . .
