Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top 10 at Grandma Socci's House

Here we go with our Top 10 favorite things we did at Grandma Socci's house...  In no particular order... well, actually it is the order of how the pictures were taken... so I guess there IS a particular order.  But not in order of importance, how's that? :)

#10   Getting comfortable with the puppies, Chuckles and Wiggles.

#9  Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa.... and watching Sherrie laugh so hard she would cry.

 #8 Cooling down from the California heat.

 #7 Celebrating Jaden's 8th birthday.

Jaden begged me to buy him some skinny jeans. I have avoided it for as long as possible.  Luckily for Jaden, good ole' Uncle John heard his cry.

Here he is modeling the new jeans and converse shoes. But I have to admit... the shoes were a nice touch, John.

Jaden got a cool basketball outfit complete with sweatbands and wristbands from Uncle Forrest and Aunt Michelle.  Grandma Socci recorded a few stories for him, and Grandpa Socci got him this huge frisbee.

Brynnlee's birthday was just 2 weeks before, so she got a present too from Melanie and John.

#6 The FOOD.  

Jaden was smart enough to request Grandpa's famous spighetti and meatballs... which I think I was too busy inhaling it to take a picture.  And then we also  got my favorite pizza, that we don't have here in UT... Round Table Pizza.  Mmmmm... 

This is Brynnlee's scowl.  Pretty fierce, ay?

AND we also got my favorite Ice Cream, also not available in UT... 10 cool points if you can name it!  And we even got a cooler with dry ice to bring 4 cartons of it back home with us.  Best. Idea. Ever. I gave one to my neighbor who shares my obsession, I ate 2 in 2 weeks, and the last one I am saving for Triathlon weekend.

#5 Finding the boys outside trying to start a fire.

No kidding.  We went outside and saw them with their magnifying glasses trying to burn leaves.

So what does Charles do?  Go out and scold them? Nope. He joins them. Haha!

It took about an hour for anything to happen.  The kids were getting tired bored.

 And just when they were ready to  give up... Ta-da!

#4 Going to Apollo Park

Feeding the ducks...

Feeding the Brynnlee-duck...

She's so feisty!

Feeding the squirrel... 

Feeding ourselves...

Playing on the playground...

Being forced to pose for a picture in the sweltering heat... Haha!

#3  Playing in the backyard with cousins.

#2 Playing tackle football with cousins and getting a little out of control...

...while Bradley catches it all on film to put on Youtube.

Katee Jo sure can hang with the guys.  She and Kaleb were taking turns bringing each other down left and right.  It was hilarious!

This is where Bryan ran at Jaden, and missed.  Also Kaleb had a wedgie.

Bryan's pretty tough.  Now he's after Forrest Jr.


Looks like Kaleb came out on top this time... literally.

Are we still having fun?

Uncle Forrest had them all hug it out.

These 2 couldn't STOP hugging it out!

And #1...  While we were all out watching the football game... Brynnlee found her chance.

We had another great trip, and once again, Jaden became emotional when we got home and realized it would be a while before seeing his Grandma and Grandpa Socci again.  He called her and cried for about a half hour, until she reminded him that he could hear her voice on the stories she gave him for his birthday.  He unpacked them and took them to bed with him.


  1. Somehow after reading this post all I can remember is Round Table....mmmmmmmmm...miss it so much, and Chocolate Matled Crunch....mmmmmmm, so glad I am going to be there tri weekend!!!!!!!!! :)

    Oh, and Jaden is seriously the sweetest kid ever. I love how sensitive he is.

    Kaleb's wedgie...awesome

    1. Yeah... about that... so the Chocolate Malted Crunch... is gone. I had a stressful week the last time Charles had to go out of town. Hmmm, maybe I can get Melanie or Sherrie to bring some more...
