Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brynn at 12 Weeks

Yo yo yo!  I'm 12 weeks old.  That's right, y'heard.

It's crazy, right?  The parental units can't believe it either.  What can I say, time flies when you're eatin', sleepin' and poopin'.

 This here is my boy Jaden. He tries to make me smile. Keyword bein' try.  That's right... I'm in control.

Here we go. Bring it.  My eyes are on you.  You don't want nunna this.

Ah, see now that's just straight up cheatin'!

Uh oh... not the walking fingers up to my nose...  not the walking fingers up to my nose!!

Must... Not... Smile... 

Must... not... smmmi-ahhh!  


 *sigh*  Well played.

Here I am with all the bros. I love 'em like a fat kid loves chocolate cake... Or so I hear.  But the feeling is mutual, cuz I know they love--


Back off punks!  Let a sista breathe! ... Dang!

But, y'know.  Now that I think about it, life is pretty good... y'know, when I'm not gettin' smothered in love all the time. 

And that's all I gotta say.  Peace to the out.


  1. So I love that the "voice" of your beautiful little girl is a punk/gangsta/whatever you call it. Hehe. She is to die for! Absolutely adorable!!

  2. Woohoo! I'm in! Thanks. :) She looks so grown up all of a sudden. Definitely a Socci baby! Gorgeous!

  3. What a great narrator you are! I love the smothered in love pic where she barely gets a peek at the camera! Adorable!
