Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

I'm gonna be an Aunt again... today!
It's 5 o'clock in the morning and there is no hope for going back to sleep. So... I'll blog!
So Curtis called at like 4 in the morning here to tell us that they had just checked into the hospital. Charles answered the phone and I was wondering why his work was calling him. I heard words like Hospital, and checked in, so I didn't let myself really wake up. But then I started hearing all these "pleasantries," I started to get confused so when he hung up I asked who that was. He said, "Kare's water broke, they're at the hospital."

What?! Well, there was no point trying to go back to sleep, so I just got up, went downstairs and called them back. I'll be updating THEIR blog as the process continues. Right now I am waiting for more details so I can inform the world. :) I can't believe my little Kare is in AZ right now having a baby. I wish I could be there too! And I wish it were a month from now and she was coming to Utah so I could see the little guy. When I saw Andrew and Shanade's new baby, it was so crazy to see how small he is. You forget how tiny a new baby actually is!

It's 5:20. That's Kare's area code. I just tried calling for an update. No answer. Hmmmm... What's going on over there... About an hour ago she was only at a 1.

I'm tired, Guess I'll try and sleep a little until I hear something.

1 comment:

  1. Crissy you are too cute! I remember when you called at 5:20 and we didn't answer...I was getting checked again...1 1/2! woo hoo
