Friday, November 16, 2012

What Happens When Aunt Alli Babysits for 3 or 4 Hours...

Charles and I went out with our friends Julie and Ryan one night to celebrate Ryan's birthday.  We went to dinner (Zupa's) and a movie (Skyfall.)  Alli was kind enough to watch the kids for us.

When we finished the date and arrived back at my parents' house to pick up the kids, they told us they thought up a movie, wrote a script, drew pictures of characters, made backgrounds and scenery, collected props, auditioned for parts, rehearsed and filmed an entire movie while we were gone.

Alli told us the boys had come up with the story all on their own.  She just helped them make it to the "big screen."  :)

The next day, Alli edited the film and presented us with what I will now present to you...

Give it up for... Monster Scare.

Amazing work.  I have too many favorite parts.  If I start naming them, it will pretty much be the whole film.  I love that Kaleb is the villain.  I love that Bradley is a cute pink bunny with an umbrella.  I love that my MOM and DAD are in it.  I love that Jaden sings his own theme music when he rushes off to save the day.  I love Alli's editing job and the bloopers at the end.  My mom was cracking me up.

Thank you for helping the kids make this movie, Al.  I love it.  You rock!


  1. how fun!! What a great little movie. I'm always impressed by the adults who do these things with kids. And I also love that your parents were in it. Too funny!

  2. I love it!! Bradley and his pink ears and umbrella was great!! Good job guys! I see an Oscar in your futures!

  3. I apologize for the type-o. Villain is spelled with an "i." Sorry! These boys are amazing!
