Jaden tested for his Red Belt. He's pretty awesome at Hapkido. However, we're not sure if has his heart into it.
So we're actually thinking about having him drop it for a while. He thinks its fun, but he doesn't really love it. Maybe he needs time to try new things. Who knows, maybe he'll find that he is a basketball stud. Or a musical genius. Or maybe he'll try new things and realize Hapkido is where he wants to be, and then try harder. We don't know. But whatever he chooses, we want him to love it.

School Program
Jaden is just about done with the 1st grade. He had a really great year. We love his teacher, Mrs. Reece, and Jaden has made a lot of friends. Some of his favorites are Brighton and Ethan. They play at each other house at least once a week. My favorite is when one of their mom's drops their child off at my house, unannounced. Haha! These boys and their communication skills...
Jaden has also met a friend through cub scouts. When we Cahrles and I were the Bear Scout leaders, Nic was one of our cubs. He's about 3 years older than Jaden, but Jaden insisted we invite him over to play. So we did. I was a little worried, because some of the scouts were kind of rude to Jaden, and I didn't want Jaden to get hurt. But Nic is such a nice boy. They LOVE to play together.
He also has a brother who is Kaleb's age, named August. It's also been really nice for Kaleb to find a friend that's not a girl. They all play so well together.
Anyway, at the end of Jaden's school year, they put on a singing program. I tried to get a picture of him, but he kept ducking away. I like to tease him and say he's trying to kiss the girl in front of him.
Bradley enjoyed the music.

Soaring Eagle Award
Jaden also received another Soaring Eagle award. He worked really hard to earn it. He decided he wanted it, so we worked and worked to get through all the achievements. Then on the night of the ceremony, one of his friends was having a birthday party at the movie theater to see Kung Fu Panda 2. All of a sudden getting his medal wasn't so important. Luckily Grandma Socci was here. He went to part of the party, then his ceremony, then saw the movie with Grandma and Kaleb instead. :)
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