Brynnlee is just starting to smile back. She's been pretty stingy with her smiles up until now. She's not super smiley yet, but it's getting easier to win one.

Brynn is sleeping about 7-9 hours at night now... Hallelujah!

She had her 2 month check up about 2 weeks ago. I had been so preoccupied with getting her to gain weight, that I totally forgot about the immunizations she would be getting. When the nurse mentioned them, I thought, Oh crap. I'm about to hear a sound from her that I have never heard before.
Sure enough, her scream was no longer newborn sounding. She sounded just like Bradley when he screams in pain.

As for her weight gain, she did great. She went from 7 lbs. (14th percentile) to 11 lbs. (55th percentile.) And her height went from 19 in. (22nd percentile) to 23in. (67th percentile). Go Brynnlee go! The doctor had me so freaked out at our 2 week appointment, that we've really been pushing her to eat these last 6 weeks. And it looks like she's a champ. :)
Brynn is such a sweet baby. She eats well, sleeps well, and is pretty content when she's awake. The boys all still love to hold her, hug her, kiss her and sing to her. She's starting to become a little more vocal, and cooing while she smiles. She is such a joy, and we couldn't love her more.
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