Happy Father's Day, Dad! Sorry this post is so late!

For my Dad this Father's day, I'm going to share 5 reasons why my dad is the coolest.
Are you ready?
Here we go!
In no particular order...
#1. He ran a freakin' marathon. A few months after having knee surgery. Only 6 weeks of training. Amazing.
And just like every other challenge in his life, he did it with a smile. :)

#2 A few weeks later, he decided to do it again! I mean, yes, he's a total tri-athlete, and he rocks... but 26.2 miles??... TWICE?!
#3. He created Lego-Mom. Seriously. He took a picture of mom, some legos, and came up with this:
#4. He's just a big kid. He still dresses up for Halloween...

He still plays with bottle rockets. Although he has really vamped it up a bit!
He plays with his grandkids.
And last but not least...
#5. He's brilliant. My Dad is not a professional: plumber, electrician, architect, carpenter, painter or construction worker. But just by reading books, he learned how to, and built his entire basement. And it's beautiful. His ingenuity is endless. He would rather learn and do something on his own, than pay for a professional.
This quality really comes in handy for us too. Last weekend, while Charles was investigating a breakage in the sprinkler system, Kaleb and Bradley decided to throw rocks down the 5 foot hole to the spot where you turn your water on. They made it so it was no longer accessible to turn the sprinklers on or off.
We couldn't reach down and get them, and we didn't want to dig a 5 foot deep hole to reach them either. So we called Dad. This was his contraption to solve our problem.
We also used mom's idea, to put duck tape at the end of the pipe and grab a few rocks that way. They are BOTH so smart.
I remember when I was in 7th grade, I put off doing my science project until, the last minute. Like... bedtime... the night before it was due.
Even though my dad was disappointed in me for doing this, he still stayed up till 4 in the morning with me finding a project, helping me create it, and also helping me type up a presentation board. It was about kinetic energy. It was pretty cool, but I think Mr. Malloy knew I didn't really know as much about my own project as I pretended to know. And I got a "C." But I'll never forget how my dad did that for me.
I love you Dad!
I remember when Dad helped me late at night with my solar system project in 6th grade. Instead of getting those styrofoam balls and hanging them from a hanger (like EVERYONE else did) he taught me how to fold paper into spheres. Seriously! You like blow it up like a baloon! It was awesome! So he helped me color and fold all of the planets and then he made some contraption for hanging them so that they were actually circling the sun rather than just hanging in a line (again, like everyone else). Man that was cool. Just one of the dozens of project that he helped me out with. I also love how he made me look smart in all of my math classes because he would help me do my homework and then I would go to class and be the only person who got all the hard problems right. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteOh not to mention how he knocked out the area under my stairs to expand our storage room and make a play room for Nathan (that everyone is super jealous of by the way). And then he also came and installed a sprinkler system for us. All in a days work for Dad. (Ok maybe a weeks work but you get the point...basically he rocks!)