Thursday, June 7, 2012


Brynnlee was a little different than the boys when it came to learning to walk.  She kind of did it in spurts. 

With the Jaden and Kaleb they seemed to learn overnight and never look back.  Bradley, was a closet-walker.  He  knew how, but never liked to show anyone for a while.  If he saw you watching, he would always stop.

But Brynnlee would take a few steps between my mom and I, but then choose to just walk on her knees.

We tried bribing her with M&Ms to walk between us.  She would, and she would get pretty good, but then she decided for like a month, that she was only interested in walking on her knees.

It drove me nuts because she would do it outside too  She would get holes in the knees of her clothes, and then really scuff up the toes of her shoes.  If I tried to stand her up she would just lift both feet up in the air so when I set her down she would be sitting.

But then one night, she just decided to try, try, try again. All on her own. Up, down, up, down, up, down.  No one was even paying her any attention.  Except me.  But I tried not to make a big deal about it.  I was afraid she would stop.  She kept getting up, taking 4 or 5 steps and then totally biffing it.  I was surprised she kept trying.  For like 5 whole minutes.  Which may not seem like a long time, but if all you're doing is getting up, taking steps, and falling down over and over again, it's actually a pretty impressive amount of time!

After this I thought for sure she'd become an all-or-nothing walker.  Nope.  Just another tease.  She went back to her knees for another month.

She didn't ditch the knee-walking till she was 14 months old.

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