Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jaden's Bobcat

Jaden started Cub Scouts back in April.  He has really enjoyed it.  At first he wasn't sure if he wanted to do Scouts, (which surprised me since he loved it when Charles and I were den leaders) but as more and more of his friends joined, the more he began to look forward to it.

Jaden comes home from Scouts every Wednesday night, ready to fill us in on all the cool things he has made or learned.  After his very first meeting, he brought home a super tall fishing pole, that he had made out of bamboo and fishing wire.  After that, he was hooked!  Heh-heh...

He and Lucas and Kisaac have really gotten into working on their acheivements.  Which I LOVE, because I remember when we were leaders, it was like pulling teeth to get some of the boys going.

Just 2 months after starting Scouts, Jaden received his Bobcat.  Here he is at June's Pack Meeting, getting presented with his badge and also Jaden presenting his Daddy with a pin.  We're so proud of you, Buddy!


  1. I know nothing about scouts (even though I was a den leader for a few months)! What all did J have to do to earn it??????

    1. Pretty much learn the Cub Scout Law of the Pack, Promise, sign, handshake, motto, salute and learn what Webelos means. Yep. I googled it. I couldn't remember!
