Well we made it back to the Happiest Place on Earth. And I must say, it just keeps getting happier! We all can't wait to go again. Just like last time, we decided to do a 2-Day Hopper and 3-Night stay. Kare and her family also came the same days and stayed at the same hotel, so it was even better that we got to see our Arizona peeps too. But just like last time, we did one day by ourselves, and then one day with more family.
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April 18-19 |
We started out in Fantasyland with Peter Pan's Flight (one of Bradley's' favorites), and then hit the rest of the kiddie rides around there. The kids were still afraid of Snow White and Pinocchio, but we forced them to ride anyway. It's part of the Disneyland experience, right? Plus, there's also the unwritten rule, where if there is NO line, you HAVE to go on it. But I guess maybe there's a reason that there's no line for those rides?? Oh well. Moving on!
Next we got in line for Dumbo. I don't even think my kids have seen any of these classic Disney movies, so they have no idea who "Dumbo" is. They just want to fly on the elephants.
Next we hit the teacups where Charles wow-ed the boys with his super-spinning abilities.
After that we went to Tomorrowland for lunch where we just missed getting the boys in for Jedi Training. At least we had some awesome entertainment while we ate.
I asked the boys if they wanted to participate in the next show, and they said, yes. Except for Jaden. Apparently you're not allowed to do any of your own moves, you can only do the ones the master teaches you. Or else you can't play anymore. "He's holding me back!" I sense a little bit of young Skywalker in the boy. Anger leads to hate... Hate leads to suffering... er... uh... y'know.
After that, we split up so I could take Jaden and Kaleb on some bigger-kid rides, while Charles took the younglings to Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters.
The older boys and I grabbed some Fast Passes to Star Tours, and while we waited to use those, we headed to Space Mountain.
This one was new to them, and I purposefully didn't tell them anything about it till they had their seatbelts on. But I did get kind of nervous once I realized Jaden would have to ride alone on his row. Oh well. He survivied!
That's me on the ride in the red shirt |
During the ride I held Kaleb's leg for assurance, while he sat frozen the whole way. Once we stopped, I looked at his terrified little face and he said, "I NEVER want to go on that again!"
I looked at Jaden and asked him how it was. His response, "I HATE IT!" Hahaha! Good times.
After that, we were ready to use our Fast Passes for Star Tours. They LOVED that one. Kaleb kept asking, "Did we REALLY go into space? REALLY?" So I told him the truth. Of course we did.
After that we all met back up just in time to get harassed by a Storm Trooper.
Then we went on the rocket orbitor, which I am not so much a fan of. I seriously feel like I'm going to fall out and 2 of my kids are going to fall to their deaths alongside of me. Bradley loved it.
After that was... Frontierland? Adventureland? Whichever land had Splash Mountain. We took turns taking the older kids on that one while the younger ones rode Winnie the Pooh a couple times. This was Kaleb's first time being tall enough to ride, and it's his favorite. Whenever we asked Jaden or Kaleb to choose a ride, it was always, "Splash Mountain!"
I love the boys' faces in this picture. They were so tough the whole way through the line and for the majority of the ride. They kept telling me not to be scared, and they prepared me with what was about to happen, before it happened. But this photo paints a whole different story, haha!
After that we split up again. I took Jaden on Indiana Jones, and Charles took the rest on the Jungle Cruise. Let me just say... so I don't forget in the future... never again. Talk about whip-lash-and-a-half! But Jaden liked it.
After that we spent 35 bucks for 3 meals to split between the 6 of us, and then went to Toon Town. We rode Roger Rabbit's... crazy taxi... ride.
Then we played in the funhouses.
This is how we roll in Disneyland. We bring our double stroller for tired kids, but we rent a nice comfortable one for Brynnlee. That's how we did it last time for Bradley too. Only this year, Jaden became a part-time pusher. He popped wheelies with Brynnlee all over the park.
You may think these 2 pictures are identical... until you look at Kaleb. Charles did a continous shot of us, and so there are like 5 pictures that look almost exactly the same, except that Kaleb has a different expression in each. What a goof!
In Toon Town, there is a Go Go Gadget Roller Coaster. Better known to the boys as "the red one." It was Bradley's first fast ride, and he LOOOOOVED it! He had both hands up in the air while screaming like a little girl the whole time.
They rode this one a LOT.
Over and over and over again. Bradley was so cute. When he would get really excited, he would just start yelling, "Let's go do that one agaaaain!" Or, "I love Disneylaaaaaand!"
When Toon Town closed we went back to ride Buzz a few more times before calling it a night.
Charles was pretty proud of his scores, "while holding a baby... who kept turning our direction."
We knew it was time to go back to the hotel and go to bed when we looked down and saw Bradley in the middle of the road.
As we walked back to the hotel, my back was killing me. I told Jaden it was his fault for stepping on all those cracks all day long. So he started stomping on every single one, causing me to writhe in pain each time. But i guess he actually has a conscience afterall. After I faked a few tears he finally apologized, "Mom! I'm so sorry!" Suckerrrr!
We chose to stay at the Castle Inn this time. It is walking distance, and a good price... but not as close a walk as we would have liked... just sayin'.
We had the family suite which was a king bed in front and 2 queens in the 2nd bedroom. Kaleb and Jaden shared the King, Bradley got a queen, Charles and I shared a queen, and Brynnlee's playpen was set up in the corner of our room. Not exactly the arrangement we originally intended, but we know how our kids sleep, so this was the best way.
Here's the pool we swam in with the Merrills the first night, and then again right before checkout.
The next day we started out at California Adventures. I have to remember that California Adventures is not worth it to us! There's so much more at Disneyland that we didn't have enough time to do!
With that said, we DID enjoy Soarin' over California. We split up with the Merrills for this ride. Charles and I took Jaden and Kaleb on this one while Kare and Curtis took the 4 little ones to A Bug's Life. Then the adults swapped.
Did I mention this was Curtis' first time going to Disneyland?
Kaylee looked so big in her pigtails and shoes.
Even though you can't tell by Nathan's face, the kids were SO happy to be there with their cousins. Nathan kept calling my kids, "the guys."
The Little Mermaid ride was new to us. Again, I'm not even sure if my kids can fully appreciate it because I don't think they have seen the movies. Netflix Instant Play needs to get on that!
On our way to the next ride, we stopped to watch the Toy Story Army Men put on a little street entertainment. Kaleb and Bradley even joined the small parade.
Do you see that ride right behind the Army vehicle? It's like a swing ride, but you sit in these rockets and swing round and round. Well, Curtis wasn't sure his stomach could handle it, so he stayed put with the strollers while the rest of us (babies included) went to stand in line.
Next we had lunch, then waited in line for the Jesse and Woody ride for like an hour. It was hot, the kids were falling asleep, they were heavy, there was no shade, and people started getting cranky. And it was then that we remembered we don't like California Adventures. At least not when you're going with lots of small ones. Lines are too long, there's not enough shade, and the rides are too short.
So once we finished that ride, we called it quits at California Adventures. The Merrills left to take their kids back for a nap, and we went back to Disneyland. Where the real magic is!
And for parents, Pirates of the Carribean is where it's at. A 5 minute line, for a 15 minute cool and easy boat ride. You can't beat that. And we rode over and over again.
After that the kids wanted more Splash Mountain, more Peter Pan, and more Red Roller Coaster. Bradley had his second wind and was back to jumping and fist pumping his way from ride to ride. The magic was back!
Later we met back up with the Merrills for some dinner, which they provided some off-campus McDonald's.
When we told the kids we were having McDonald's for dinner, Bradley got all excited and said, "What?! We're going to McDonald's?! YAY!" I just looked at Charles and said, "Really? We're at DISNEYLAND and he wants to go to McDonald's?!" I like to think he was just in an overly excited mood, and EVERYTHING sounded amazing. Not that my child would choose McDonald's over Disneyland.
We rode Buzz a lot, while Charles took Jaden on Space Mountain again, and Curtis took Kaleb and Bradley on the Orbitor. Then Charles got to do Star Tours with the older boys, right before earning their Disneyland Souvenir. Lightsabers. You may be asking, do these kids really need more lightsabers? Hey. They get used. They're not some trinket that collects dust and gets forgotten about. The lightsabers have been the most popular toy in my house for 3 years running. I was happy to get them more.
Let's see, then we went on the Carousel, where Brynnlee stared down the woman sitting next to us on the bench. It was pretty funny. Charles said it looked like Brynnlee was about to hit her at one point. This scowl of Brynnlee's was new and it was cracking us up everytime she did it.
One of my favorite moments was while we were about to join the line for the Carousel. We were in Fantasyland, so they started playing "I know you, I've walked with you once upon a dream..." Jaden came over to me and grabbed my hand in one of his and put his other hand on my hip and started dancing me around in circles while singing. It made me the happiest mom right then and there.
We ended our trip with one last ride on Pirates. Yes, I know there is no flash photography allowed, but sometimes you have no choice! This is how you preserve memories, people! Besides the dude behind Kare didn't seem to mind. Just don't look at anyone else in our boat.
We had a GREAT trip. It was better than the trip before, and I'm sure as the kids get bigger it will just get better and better. We really only skimmed the surface when it comes to our number of rides and attractions, not to mention the whole of Tom Sawyer's Island that I know the kids would have loved. But we just like to let them take the reigns, even if it means Splash Mountain and Buzz Lightyear for half of the day. There's no rush. We'll be back. I think this needs to become an annual thing. Yeah. Let's do it.
I LOVE this post! As I was reading it I kept thinking of things to write here...and then it kept going and going...and going.
ReplyDelete-I love Bradley's fist punch into the air.
-I love the picture of Kaleb in the front of the stroller with his knees up to his chin.
-I love Karalee's HUGE smile in the bugs life picture.
-I love that your boys got the king size bed.
-I love thinking about Curtis volunteering for the army man routine.
-And I love all of the pictures and descriptions because I LOVE DISNEYLAND!!!!
And I love that you comment on my blog even though we have never officially met. :) But I feel like we're good friends anyway. :)
DeleteI'm with Randi, I had a million things to comment on as I read but I forgot them by the time I got to the end! I do have to say that the splash mountain picture is my all time favorite!! Hahahahaha, for all the talk your boys did about splash mountain you would never guess that those were the faces that they were making! Also, I love the picture of all of us (minus our lovely photographer) because you see how the kids just got into whichever stroller they felt like, we were just one big happy (most of the time) family! This was such a fun trip, we totally have to do it again...maybe in the fall? Hehe
ReplyDeleteUm Fall it is!
DeleteI guess twenty years since Curtis had been to Disneyland counts as his first time. Certainly it was his first time as an adult.
ReplyDeleteI thought he went to DisneyWORLD once, not DisneyLAND.
ReplyDeleteHere goes my list...
ReplyDeleteI love the pic of all of them in the Dumbo ride, it was my favorite when I was a kid, but when we went there for a couple days it was closed the whole time cause they were repainting it, I was so sad! When I first saw this picture I thought it was the actual ride and I was surprised that they let all four go on with no parents, then I saw that it was just a prop. I love how Kaleb has his arm around Jaden in that pic, it makes it seem like they are best buds!
The Storm Trooper picture is one for the books! I saw The picture of just the storm trooper and Bradley and he is so excited!!
Splash Mountain...enough said!!
Brynnlee and the weights and then the one after it, shes so cute! The one after the weights at first glance it looked like Kares daughter.
Jaden looks so much like Charles, I feel like I"m looking at pics of him when he was younger, it's crazy!!
I love the first picture of the boys on the Tiny Toon roller-coaster, the sheer excitement on Jadens face and the shock on Kalebs face. Love it!
I can't believe that Bradley just laid down in the middle of the road...
Kare looks so excited in that one picture!!
The picture of Bradley hugging Nathan, kinda funny, Bradley is so exited and Nathan has this look of "Why is he trying to hug me..."
Now I have a question, is Curtis one of the Green men playing the drums? did he get picked??
The two pictures of Bradley jumping with total joy and excitement should be part of a commercial for Disneyland!
If you do decide to make this a yearly, or biyearly thing let me know cause I will try and make it out there next time. It'd be awesome to go to Disneyland with all the kids, and Dave has never been to Disneyland or world...
No, Curtis was not one of the green army men. And honestly, I don't even think we ever asked him what he was volunteering for, because we actually interrupted him so that he could come up and ride the ride so we'd have enough big people, or take Kaylee back down with him. He ended up riding, and then I totally forgot about it again until I wrote this. (Kare! Ask Curtis what he was volunteering for, would ya?)
DeleteDave has never been?! Oh man... I see lots more trips to D-land in the future. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Oh Amber! It was so fun to see the picture of your mom and dad and the 4 of you kids on Splash Mountain. Do you know which one I'm talking about? You had to have been like somewhere around 8 years old. It was so cool showing that to the boys!
Hmm, I'm sure I've seen the picture before but right off hand I don't remember. No, Dave has never been, they didn't go a lot of places when he was younger and then when they started going more places he never went to California until maybe 10 years ago and he was in San Francisco. Next time we are in California at the same time you guys are, we are going to Disneyland!! All of us!! Even if it's at christmas time, it'd be fun to go to Disneyland and then maybe we can jsut do a small present exchange for the kids...hmm, something to think about maybe!