Charles: "Ugh! She's taking forever! Boys... don't ever get married."
Jaden: "So what, you don't want any grandkids?"
Haha! Nice one Jade. :)
2. The last few months, whenever I take Kaleb and Bradley to the store, they like to run away from me and yell, "Where's my mommy?! Where's my mommy?!" At first I thought it was funny, but then I started getting these weird looks from other customers, and I wondered if they thought I was some kind of kidnapper.
3. We're still trying to train Bradley to stay inside his toddler bed at night. He probably gets out of bed 3 or 4 times every night, comes downstairs, feed us some excuse as to why he's out of bed, then gets sent back up. I really should be more strict with him, but he's just so cute. He always whispers, and has the biggest, cheekiest grin on his face, that it is so hard not to smile right back.
Some of his excuses thus far have been:
- "I have poop." (I swear he waits till bedtime for that last dump.)
- "Milk all gone." (But he doesn't bring his cup with him, so he has to go back up and get it. I followed him once to spy, and he grabbed his cup and just chugged it before coming back down for his refill. What a little liar!)
- "Here's my cup."
- "My light fall off." (The kids have book lights, and Bradley "needs" help attaching it to his book. But again, he doesn't bring it down with him, so he has to go BACK up and get it."
- "Here's my light." (Sometimes he "forgets" to bring his book too.)
- "Here's my book."
- "My peh-pay hurt. I need new diaper." (Sometimes I buy it and change his completely dry diaper. Mostly I just send him back up.)
-"I need this toy."
But after each time I send him back to bed, he will give me the biggest smile and whisper, "I stay in my bed now." Ridiculously cute kids are just too hard to discipline!
4. Bradley and Kaleb came with me to JC Penney the other day. We were just about done getting what we needed, when Bradley yelled, "EEEWWW! WHO TOOTED?!" I kind of stiffled a laugh because his enunciation is getting so good, and he just sounded so cute. But then he looked at me and said, while plugging his nose "MOMMY, YOU STINK! YOU FART!" I was like, "What? No I didn't!" But he kept on going... "YOU GO POTTY, MOMMY! YOU GO POTTY! YOU STINK! YOU TOOT! YOU FART!" Oh my gosh, I was so embarassed. What a little punk! I'll be the first to admit, that this pregnancy has been the most flatulent, by far, and about 90% of the stench going around my house, IS me... But I was not going to claim something I SO did not do! So I'm not sure which was worse... people hearing what my kid was yelling, or people hearing me argue with a 2 year old about who really tooted... Either way, my face was burning bright red, and I no longer think that Bradley is cute. The end.
You crack me up! I love your stories and all the fun. Hey P.S. My sister is having her son sealed to them on March 5th, we'll be at the Oqirrhe Mt Temple... you should stop by so I can see you. We'll only be visitng for 2 days. I would LOVE to see you if it works out.