There was a part where this teenager just had a baby and was trying to decide if she wanted to give it up for adoption or keep it. in the end she decided to give it up. Well, a few hours after the show ended, Jaden was all distressed and came up to me and said, "That was RUDE!" I asked him what he was talking about and he said that it was rude that the girl gave her baby away.
So I took this as a good opportunity to teach him about adoption. We have friends who adopted and so we talked about it, and how it's not rude, it's giving your child more than you can do by yourself. And also how happy it can make the new parents, who wouldn't have been able to have a family otherwise.
This led to more questions. He asked why some people can't have their own kids. I went back to our friends that adopted. I told him that sometimes there's a health problem with the wife, and so she is unable to get pregnant, or sometimes there is a health problem with the husband, and it prevents him from helping the wife get a baby in her tummy... ooooo!... THAT was my mistake.
He dropped it for a a while, but then out of the blue, later on that night he said, "Mom? So a boy makes a girl pregnant? How does he do that?"
I just froze. I had no words. No way was I going to have this conversation. So I tried to change the subject. Didn't work. "But HOW does a boy make a girl pregnant?"
I seriously didn't know what to say. But I DID know, that I was NOT going to give him the detailed answer. Besides, Charles and I already agreed that HE would be the one to have that conversation. So I just brushed it off by saying, "Actually, It's a HUSBAND that can help a WIFE get pregnant. So when you are a husband, then we'll talk about it."
Later that night I told Charles what had happened and he just looked at me and said, "What? Are you telling me that I have to talk about the Birds and the Bees... with my SIX year old?!"
I just laughed and said I was sorry, and that I didn't see any harm in teaching him about adoption, and that I had no idea it would lead to this. He laughed and said, "Crissy! He's SMART! He's going to make connections and figure things out. From now on, no more shows for YOU until AFTER the kids are in bed!"
I agreed. We laughed about it some more, and so far it hasn't come up again.
The other day my baby kicked me so hard that it made me cry out loud, "OUCH!"
Jaden looked at me and said, "Awwww... Did she kick you really hard? In the nuts?"
I was laughing forever over this. But I guess this tells me that he hasn't quite figured out everything yet, so I'm okay!
Bwahahaha! Just wait till he starts asking questions about his sister's anatomy. (Good luck with "the talk," Charles!)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! This is hilarious... I couldn't stop laughing.
ReplyDeletesosososoooooooo funny! Crissy- I'm Charles' friend from work, Ashleigh. I've always enjoyed your blog (yes, I blog stalk you). I'm on maternity leave right now and I'm so excited for you guys to have that little girl join your fam! Well- tell Charles to get crackin on "the talk" and I hope you're feeling well.