On Christmas morning, we got up around 7-ish. I wanted to sleep in, but for some reason, even as an adult, I have a hard time sleeping on Christmas Eve. I could have been ready to start at 5.
The kids started with their stockings as usual. Bradley was especially excited about the candy. In fact, he hardly let it out of his sight the whole morning.
Aw yes. Cash is always a big hit with my boys. :)

Here's Grandma and Grandpa opening their gifts from the boys.
These army-guy helmets are what the boys chose to give to each other.

Aaaand here's Bradley going back to his candy instead of wanting to open his presents. :) About halfway into getting through his pile of unopened gifts, he tookoff to the bedroom and came back with his magnet blocks. It was so funny. He didn't really care to see anything new. That's how much he loves his blocks.
But when he did finally open the rest, he was happy to see that he got more blocks! These ones are from Aunt Amber.

And more blocks, from Grandma and Grandpa ( I think.)
Here the kids are opening their presents from Santa. They asked for bow and arrows, and that's what Santa brought them. Yes... even the 2 year old.

Kaleb got a big wheel from us, and Bradley got a mini kitchen. But now I realize we should have just stuck to more magnet blocks.

Jaden did pretty well for the 5 minutes he rode.

And Bradley get a turn.
Then it was time to learn how to shoot the bow and arrows. Charles was pretty impressed with these weapons, and I think the adults had more fun with them then the kids did.
Here's Bradley taking off to play by himself. He's so independent. He could be by himself all day and still be content.
In the afternoon, Melanie, John, Forrest, Michelle and the kids came over. Katee Jo got a treasure box full of princess dress-up stuff. It was so cute. She's getting me really excited to have a girl. So many aisles at the store just passed over completely. It's time to enter the world of pink... or Maroon... I like maroon better than pink. :)

Here's Katee Jo joining Bradley as he tried to hide in the bedroom with his blocks. At my first glance of this picture, I thought Katee Jo was giving an unfriendly gesture to get out! Haha!
Amber, (who unfortunately didn't make it out this year) sent this puzzle ball to all the grandkids to share. I'd say it was a hit. :)
And there's always fun to be had when Uncle Forrest is there. He had them lined up to tackle the punching bag, and boy did they love that! A couple times, he tricked them and lifted it out of their reach just before they dove, and sent them flying. It was pretty funny. Messed up, but funny. :)
For Christmas dinner, we went Italian style. :) Chuck made lasagna and Melanie made Gnocchi. It was soooooo good. I was sitting next to Bradley and he literally fell asleep while sitting up in his chair. I leaned over to wipe his mouth, and he just collapsed. It was so sweet. :)
Oh hey, here's Chuck doing the same thing! But I think someone still needs to wipe HIS mouth. :)

And here's Bradley sneaking off to play on his own again.
Jaden loved to just chill with Grandma.
Then we came back to UT and were spoiled all over again. I love Christmas! Here's Bradley modeling his crazy bands from his stocking... just like Jaden.
And here's the boys handing out their gifts to Grandma, Grandpa and Alli.
I wish I would have taken more pictures during the present opening. I took videos instead, and most are too large to upload.
And once again, Bradley is too entertained by... something else, to want to finish opening his presents. :)
After that we lounged around, and snacked on fudge, pinnoche, and candy.
Later that night we celebrated Grandma's birthday. She turned 92 again. :) We were really excited for her to open her presents because this year we got her something cool. She had been wanting the painting, Prayer at Valley Forge (the one with George Washington kneeling in prayer by his horse in the woods) for a long time, and we had been keeping an eye out for an affordable piece. Thanks to Grandpa for his generous pitch, we were able to get her one that was perfect. :) Mom also got a Kindle for her birthday. Nice one, Dad! :)
So I think we have been trying to have an Italian style Christmas for years, and how come the first year I'm not there is when they decide to have it...not fair!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how big the kids are all getting, I"m glad you're having another one so that there will be babies around again!
Can I just say how much I love that picture of Bradley on the swing by himself. It's so funny to me. i also love the tackling practice Coach Forrest was running.