One morning Grandma and Grandpa took us out to breakfast to their favorite little place, Katz-N-Jammers.
The boys were in heaven with their Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I have no idea where they got that from... None at all.
Melanie and John were there too. Mel and I were trying really hard not to eat everything on our plate because we know the repercussions of eating too much, when a baby is in there taking up all that space! Our due dates are only 2 days apart.
Bradley just cracks me up.
On Christmas Eve, Grandma had the boys bake cookies for Santa. Here they are unwrapping the kisses for the peanut butter ones. I'm pretty sure Bradley didn't contribute a single piece to that bowl.
Next were the sugar cookies. We probably used and trashed at least 7 or 8 containers of sprinkles. Let's just hope Santa is a sprinkle lover.
On Christmas Eve we drove around to see the Christmas lights. Bradley was so funny. He sat on my lap as we drove down... (I forgot the name of that street that's all super-decked out)... and was so excited. He kept saying "Oh my gosh! Ii-ii wights! More ii-ii wights! Awesome!"
As always the kids love to play out back. It was so nice to be away from the snow and also let them get out and run around. Winters can be hard on a house full of rowdy boys. :)

Other than celebrate Christmas, we pretty much just hung out and had fun together. The kids played with Grandpa's toys from his special toy box. There were Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Cowboys and Indians, Army men with tanks and planes, and Thomas the Train. But Bradley was content to just play with his magnet blocks. They never get old for him. There was also a few hours one day, that we spent in Tehachappi visiting Forrest and Michelle. Other than that, our time was spent here. :)
When it was time to go home, Jaden had a really hard time saying goodbye to Grandma. He walked away and hid in the bedroom to cry. When I found him, he said he wasn't ready to go back home, and that he will really miss his Grandma. He cried for about the first 30 minutes of the trip and then again when we stopped for dinner. :(
We wish we could visit more often. We really miss family and we always have a great time being there. :)
Melanie looks soooo pretty! Yay for pregnancy! I miss Katz n Jammers! Jaden is such a sweetheart for missing his Grandma, cute kid.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The street is called Candy Cane Lane, yes?