I know the 2s are supposed to be terrible, but I have high hopes otherwise, for this kid. He has been so sweet and happy thusfar that either... I'm in for a rude awakening, or I may just be lucky enough to skip that stage with this one. We'll see...
We had his party at my mom and dad's house and were lucky enough to have all my side of the family in town that day. He's really into magnet blocks, so I tried to make his cake look like his favorite toy.
Bradley doesn't talk much, but he loves to sing. One of his favorite songs is the Happy Birthday song. This may have been the highlight of his day.
Maybe it's because I had the last birthday, but whenever he sings it, he always says my name. Here's a tiny bit of his song...
Bradley got loaded with lots of birthday presents and was so polite and patient while unwrapping them... unlike my other children. Here he is opening a present from Grandma and Grandpa Ashton. He plays with this almost as much as the magnet blocks... and that's saying a lot!
Bradley loves gum. I know I probably shouldn't give it to him, but when you have a kid like this, it is so hard to say no. Plus he just looks so cute chewing it.
I have caught him numerous time pulling the step stool out of the laundry room, setting it up next the counter where my purse is, climbing up on top of the counter and rummaging through my purse until he finds my gum. Then he either jams it into his mouth right there, or he gets down and walks around with his hands behind his back with a huge mischievous smile plastered onto his face. It's ridiculously cute. I can't ever get mad at him, all I can do is hide my purse the next time.
So I got him his own gum for his birthday, and I don't know if he could smell it or what, but before it was even visible from the wrapping, he was saying, "Um. Um. Um." He knew.

He got this little ride-on turtle thing from his Grandma and Grandpa Socci. That thing is way cool. It's so easy for him to handle and turn. Way better and less frustrating than any other ride-on we have ever owned.

Here's a little bit about Bradley at 2:
-10th percentile for height
-10th percentile for weight
-a little behind in his speech
-plays independently more than with others
-builds amazing things with the magnet blocks
-has never had a haircut
-sings more than he talks, always humming.
-favorite songs to sing are:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Little House
Happy Birthday
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Wheels on the Bus
and Darth Vader's theme song
-tells us when he needs a diaper change by bringing a diaper and saying, "Oop. Oop."
-can't keep his hands off his junk
-jumps off of anything
-has the sweetest little voice, especially when he prays
-will eat just about anything
-will finish his plate, and seconds, and anything left on his brothers' plates, and then anything that fell on the floor
-asks for "go-goan" (popcorn) every time a movie begins
-loves to be a helper
-helps cook dinner every chance he gets
-loves to do his chore: putting the clean silverware away
-loves to clean
-sleeps with his bear
-loves to brush his teeth
-takes his naps without any problems
-has no interest in the tv
-likes to play the Wii Fit
-asks for ice in his water before bed
-whines for 5 seconds when he gets dropped off at nursery, but then has a blast
-asks for eggs every morning, but then hardly ever eats them
-insists on being held while grocery shopping... not my favorite
-makes funny faces just to make you laugh
-kisses his own "owies" better
-loves to be read to; favorite book is "Naughty Little Monkeys"
-dips everything
-walks his daddy out to the car and waves goodbye until he can no longer see him, every time he leaves for work
-breaks your heart with his chin quiver whenever you have to tell him "no."
Bradman, we love you. I would have 10 more if I knew they'd be just like you. Thanks for making life easy. :)
Happy birthday to the little guy. Has it really been long enough for him to be 2? Does not feel like it. Oh, and by the way, I felt like I was reading about Jonathan. Creepy! Love you!!!
ReplyDeleteOH! Happy Birthday to your baby! Amy didn't hit her terrible 2s until she was 2 and 1/2, so maybe Bradley will hit his later. My mother claims I wasn't terrible until I was 3, but maybe you will just be lucky enough to not have Bradley go their at all.
ReplyDeleteHe does sound like a sweet boy-- I hope I get a sweet one too!
I cannot believe that he is two now!! The first picture you posted of him, he looks so grown up, I don't know if I'm ready for him to be 2...let alone Jaden being in first grade...
ReplyDeleteFirstly, Bryce wasn't there for the party, so not everyone was present. A very valuable member of our secret society was in transport.
ReplyDeleteHap Biiiiiirtday Momeeeee.
I said "all my side of the family in town that day" he was in fact, in town that day. He just missed the festivities.
ReplyDeleteI loved watching him open his presents. What 2 year old sits patiently and opens presents? He seriously gets cuter every time I see him! He is just the sweetest, happiest, most adorable 2 year old in the world!!!