Here we are at Gino's. Amber also came down for a visit. We always try to coordinate with Amber since she lives all the way across the country.
One day we went on a little family hike. It was good exercise. Like Bradley's ride?
Chuck sanded down 5 or 6 little walking sticks for the grandkids before we left.
Katee Jo was riding in style. :)
Can you find Big Forrest in this picture?
Here we are at our final destination. We had a picnic lunch, but we had to keep moving the table to keep up with the shade.
Here's poor Kaleb swatting at the many many many many bugs that fed upon us. Guess who forgot to bring bug spray.

Just cuz Bryan is cute.
Michelle was just a second too late in trying to prevent Katee's extreme backwash. :)
This is the designated "timeout" spot. If you fall you have to start your time over.

Oh, just kidding. Here's Brad Man taking off on his own.
It was hot, full of bugs and stickers, and really fun carrying 6 kids back up the hill... but it was exercise. You can't knock a good workout. :)
We always have tons of fun just chilling at Chuck and Sherrie's house with the fam. I really love their backyard. They have SHADE! Why don't we have shade at our house? Oh, cuz we don't have a nice big tree like this.
Here's Jaden being a monkey in the tree. He would find all the dead little twigs he could and break them off the tree. He and Forrest Jr. loved this game.

"One little Monkey swinging in the tree..."

The Tree Swing was a new addition this visit. Here's Melanie and Bryan.

Freeze tag was hilarious. No matter what he was doing right before getting tagged, Kaleb always froze in this position.
Hmmm, do you think maybe it's time to invest in a more spacious pool?
Oh, there we go!
Katee Jo-Jo looks like such the graceful ballerina with her toes pointed.
Man, this girl is cuh-yute!

Ah. Here come the Slip-n-Slide shots.
Jaden... (workin' it!)
Kaleb... (still too nervous to actually go on his belly)
Bradley... (eventually let Charles pull him across on his booty.)
Katee-Kates... (with a little push from her Daddy... no fear!)
Bry-Bry... (he's a maniac on this thing!)
Forrest Jr.... (a little pro.)
And here come the big boys...
Chuck... (He's looking good.)
Forrest... (Man I love this guy. Almost as much as I love Michelle's laugh)
Charles (His poor chest was red for days.)
And ok, yes. I did it too. I'm only posting this so my kids remember that I'm still young and fun, dangit!
Now we're all just relaxing in the evening...
Jaden playing catch with his Great-Grandpa.
Little Forrest tearin' it up with his perfect spiral.

Sherrie at her camera post. That's pretty much what her and I do all day, everyday. :) Aaaaand Your welcome.

Time for some football! It's Socci, Socci and Socci vs. Socci, Socci and Socci. Who will win?
Run Jade, run!
And there's always fun on the playground.
Bradley looking for a finger to hold on his way down...

A little baseball...
and some T-ball... by swinging the bat by the wrong end... lol.

Forrest being a good sport and smiling for the camera...
And this was our last night. Lots of hugs and kisses for Grandma.
Along with some entertainment.

For your viewing pleasure, we have "Little House."
And "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam." Watch for Bradley's bobble-head action towards the end.
And the last sleep before the 12 hour drive back.
Here's Bradley thinking he's going to sleep on my bed.
He even tries to fake that he's asleep. Here he is "snoring away."
There we go. Hmmm. Kind of a tight fit these days. This may be our last time using a playpen. :(

It was a really great trip. Always nice to see family and get all the cousins together to play. Maybe after Chuck has recuperated from this month's visitors, we can start thinking about the next trip. Heh-heh. :)
AH! I'm so glad that I was able to be there when you guys were, it was so much fun! I love watching all the kids together, they are all so different from one another, yet so similar!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Bradley in your bed, he looks so cool and relaxed. I can't believe how big they are all getting!!
so i was thinking, you said above that you and mom are always taking pictures, we get to see your pictures, but i never get to see moms, unless I go home and that isn't too often. How can we convince mom to somehow post them on something? There are a few different photo sites out there that she could use, just a thought!!
ReplyDeleteGood point. Doesn't Melanie use Picasso or something like that? Maybe she could show her how to use it...
ReplyDeleteI told mom that we want her to post them, I told her she didn't have to do the whole blog thing (although I think it'd be cool). I just now have to ask melanie to teach her how to do it...