Because it was so freakin' cold, we only went outside once. And once was enough! We walked over to Jaden's school to let the kids play on the playground.
Remember how Bradley is my Closet Walker? We think maybe he was just waiting for Grandma and Grandpa Socci to get here before he felt comfortable enough to show off. He walked so much that I wonder if Chuck and Sherrie thought we were lying when we said that he just started walking in front of us (a lot) the day they arrived. Here's his first trip to the park where he's not being carried everywhere.
But I guess he got a little winded!
Another day the boys took their Grandparents to one of their favorite places... Jumpin' Jacks.
Charles and I didn't go because we had the Scouts coming over that day, but I have to tell you. I love this place. And I'll love it even more when Bradley gets big enough to take off on his own. It's just this big room full of bounce houses. Kids go and bounce out all their energy while the moms sit on the couch and read, visit, check email, whatever! And it's a decent price for a month's Mommy and Me pass. We come here about 1-3 times a week. The kids love it! It's the perfect place to take kids in the wintertime when it's too cold to go outside.
The kids also wanted to take their Grandparents to their other favorite place. This place is called Jungle Jim's. It's like an indoor carnival and arcade. The price here is awesome when you have a coupon. Otherwise, I probably would not come.
This trip was also the first time that Bradley insisted on joining the fun... which meant I got to ride a lot too. :)
Sherrie was brave enough to ride the "fast" one with us TWICE! And Bradley loved it. He whined whenever the ride would end. I guess Disneyland prepared him well!
We peer-pressured Chuck and Charles into doing it one time, and I'd say they did pretty well... for a couple of sissy-boys!
Now, I don't usually let the boys do the arcade because it seems like such a waste of money to me, but it was a special day. I'm afraid they may have had a little too much fun with it and will want to do it every time we go! Oh well, sucks for them!
Here's Bradley tearin' it up at Hungry Hungry Hippo.
Nice shot Jaden! Nice "Double-shot" Kaleb!
Skeeball was a joke. So the boys had to take matters into their own hands.
The kids ended up with a grand total of 435 tickets. They redeemed them for a sword, a few little toys and candy for each of them.
The rest of the trip was spent playing like this...
and being goofy like this.
We made edible playdough. Kaleb didn't do much playing...
and Jaden didn't do much eating.
But the majority of the visit was spent just relaxing, talking, playing games, and watching movies. Lots of movies. Well, not lots of movies, but 2 movies over and over and over. I think we all have Spiderman and Ice Age 3 memorized by now. But hey, what can you do? It's too cold outside, and it keeps the kids quiet and happy, right?
We played LIFE a couple times, and it was funny to see how much Jaden is like Charles. Whenever he had to pay anyone money he would get upset and try and figure out a way to get around it. Like when a tornado hit his house and he had to pay for repairs, he said, "I'm not paying that! I'll fix it myself!"
On Thanksgiving Day we all went to MY parents' house for dinner. My Mom and Alli worked hard to make such yummy food, while my Dad put up the Christmas lights. It was really nice to have them invite us over. I sure wasn't confident enough to try hosting my first Turkey dinner with Charles stuck working then having to sleep! No doubt it would have been a DISASTER! Seriously. I forgot my camera that day, so unfortunately, no pictures. :(
But we DID have a pilgrim join us...
and a couple Indians.
Kaleb's Indian name was "Quiet Spider." We thought it was pretty appropriate since he hardly speaks a word at school, and he is obsessed with Spiderman. :)
All in all, it was a very nice visit. My kids are very lucky to get to see their California Grandparents as often as they do. They look forward to their visit and are always sad to see them leave. Thanks for spending your Thanskiving break with us, Grandma and Grandpa!
They are growing up so fast!! I love how Kaleb was actually eating the edible play-dough. Also, are these new family pictures that I see??
ReplyDeleteSo much to say, where to start?
ReplyDelete1. Bradley looks so stinkin' cute playing hopscotch. All those pictures remind me of going to play at Linda Verde, anyone else?
2. Kaleb's up-do at Jungle Jim's makes him look sooo old! If he wasn't so much smaller, I would say he was older than Jaden.
3. I like the faces and gestures Cha and Chuck made on the ride as they passed by, you can tell they really DO like to play.
4. I LOVE that you just let them walk up the lane to drop the skeeballs in. Hilarious!
5. It makes me sad to see Kaleb wearing Jaden's old clothes. It reminds of Jaden at that age and then I realize how old Jaden is now, what happened?!
6. It makes me laugh that Bradley is starting to play with the big boys now. It's about time!
7. Yay!!! Jaden can really play board games now!!!
8. Why didn't you invite the pilgrim, the Indian, and Quiet Spider over for Thanksgiving dinner?