Kaleb's class got a special visit from the man himself. He called each kid up to sit on his lap and ask them what they wanted for Christmas. They each told him about 2 or 3 things... then Kaleb was called up. Y'know, I think this was actually his first time sitting on Santa's lap. He was so timid as he inched his way up to Santa. Santa lifted him on his knee and asked him if he had been a good boy. Kaleb barely nodded his head, yes. Then Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas... silence. Santa asked him again... silence. He just sat staring... (poor kid!) One of his teachers said, "Kaleb is pretty shy." Then his other teacher said, "Super-duper shy." So Santa asked Kaleb if he would like to be surprised on Christmas, and Kaleb nodded. Then Santa asked Kaleb to give him five... a high five, and a low five. Kaleb smiled while slapping some skin. I wish I had more pictures, but my camera battery was acting up.
(This is the only shot I could take, and it looks to me like Santa is saying, "Hell-o... Earth to Kaleb. But really he was just asking Kaleb to give him Five."
Jaden's party was probably the most elaborate class party I had ever seen. So check this out... The mom who planned this went to the classroom the night before to decorate. She moved the tables to form them into a train, and decorated each table to look like a train. She also put toy trains on each table as centerpieces, (but they were NOT aloud to touch them!.. hmmm)
Then she instructed them on how to make these candy trains.
Super cute... but they all looked the same... they had to do it exactly like she instructed.
(Check out the little girl squeezing the frosting right into her mouth. Nicely done.)
After that, the mom put on the movie The Polar Express. The kids watched it until they got to the hot chocolate part. Then she came out dancing, and singing "Hot Hot Hot!" and gave each kid a MUG of Hot chocolate. Not a little Styrofoam cup, but a MUG. Complete with marshmallows and a candy cane.
The kids drank, watched more of the movie until Santa gave the sleigh bell to the little boy. When that happened, each of the kids got their own bell from Santa's sleigh. The party took the entire 3 hours. Way too much time and effort, in my opinion, but the kids LOVED it. So "good job" to her.
(Funny story) I had just heard that my nephew Ethan had gotten one of those bells and was going around asking people if they could hear it. His mom Julianne said she could hear it, but his Dad, Bryce said he could not. So Ethan was all worried about Bryce because he didn't believe anymore. Well after school, Jaden showed me his bell and asked me if I could hear it. I thought I'd try and pull a Bryce, so I told him I couldn't hear it. He said, "What?! Try again... do you hear it?" I told him no. "Oh no! That means you don't believe in Santa anymore! Why don't you believe in Santa?!" I couldn't take it. I told him I was just kidding and that of COURSE I believe in Santa.
Anyway, later in the evening we decorated some sugar cookies with my beautiful friend, Mere. She came to visit for a couple of days, and I must say... she is an Ar-teest. All the professional-looking ones were done by her. You can probably guess which ones the boys did... they frosted and decorated them all by themselves.
Holy Cow, Mere is good! That's how I picture in my head what I want my cookies to look like, but something happens from my brain to my hand and they end up looking like a 4 year-old did the decorating.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, the sugar cookies we make every year look exactly like Jaden and Kaleb's. I don't think I ever even thought of being cute and creative like Mere...probably because I wouldn't know how.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Kaleb cracks me up...oh that kid. Multiple personality disorder possibly...
And seriously? Putting trains in front of 5 year olds for decoration???...interesting..
I know! Mere's amazing.
ReplyDeleteOh those look good! How come I didn't get any?!? :)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing Mere did that fancy angel and snowflakes, the boys did the candy canes, and you were in charge of the Christmas trees, right?