I'm not quite sure why, but it has felt to me like Kaleb has been 2 for... forever! Isn't it supposed to seem like time has flown by? I don't really remember him as a baby or even a 1 year old, but I feel like I can remember every day that he has been 2.
Anyway! So Sunday was his birthday. Here he is checking out his cake after church. Because Kaleb wanted to be Batman for Halloween this year, and has been wearing the costume practically everyday for the 2nd half of October, I thought it was appropriate to try making a Batman cake. Kaleb loved it, so I was happy. He put his claim on eating the Batman symbol as soon as he saw it. Which he later did.
The kids had quiet time before heading over to my mom and dad's for the party. I put them in separate rooms for a reason. But Kaleb wanted to be with Jaden, and... it WAS his birthday.
The party begins! Here are Jaden and Kaleb with Great-Grandma all decked out in their Batman party hats. Grandma's so cute!
And Bradley.
Here we have the Famous Batgirl.
I think Batgirl looks awesome and transformer-like with her freaky red eyes.
But the boys prefer this version.
And here is Batgrandpa. (Sorry for the in-the-middle-of-stuffing-the-face shot, Dad!)
After dinner, Kaleb began to open his presents. Usually with my kids, when it's present time, it's kind of painful and irritating to watch. They're not appreciative, they're not as excited as we hoped, they won't open anymore presents if they have just opened a toy, they need help getting them opened, and y'know... you feel BAD when someone has gotten your kid a present and they don't show the proper enthusiasm or appreciation. Well I think this was the first time I REALLY enjoyed watching one of my kids open their presents. Kaleb was so happy and excited about everything. Even clothes! "Ooooo! Jammies! Ooooo! Clothes! Yaaay!" He said thank you a lot, he didn't need help, he just had a really great attitude the whole time. I was SO proud of him! Is that weird that I can't just expect my kids to be happy when opening presents?
This present was my favorite to watch him open. It was a Spiderman helmet. He's been watching Jaden ride a bike or scooter with a helmet for a couple years now, and when he saw it he got SO excited. He just plopped it on top of his head (still packaged with elbow and knee pads) and just marched around the room as giddy as a schoolgirl.
He got a surprisingly NON-annoying musical toy from his Grandma and Grandpa. A little guitar that has become a huge hit with all three of the boys, and still has yet to get on my nerves. (Good choice, Mom and Dad! I'm sure there will be no "accidents" happening to this gift.)
And here he is opening the present Jaden so thoughtfully chose for him... months ago. My favorite... "Rip it like a MAN, boy!" And I love Kaleb's excitement.
Here he is playing with Spiderman and the Green Goblin. Then trying out his scooter for the first time.
Bradley seemed to enjoy the scooter the most. Here's a nice big brother helping him out.
Jaden became quite impressive with his guitar-playing moves. His stage name is, "The Secret Author." Give it up.
I had some technical difficulties by the time we got to the cake, but I was lucky to get in ONE shot. Kaleb was so cute... he was probably the loudest Happy Birthday singer. He was so excited. :)
And here we are the next morning trying out the new scooter. Kaleb has a little bit more confidence. Still working on moving his weight to the scooter. But he's getting better.
And Bradley will ride any chance he can get.
Although Kaleb is my wild child, I would like him to know that he has added so much fun and humor to our little family. When he is happy, it is rapidly contagious. He is creative and smart, and full of surprises. He is also the sweetest little boy. You can't help but melt when he talks to you in his clear, soft voice, with his sweet smile and beautiful eyes. He is definitely all-boy. He loves to play sports, he prefers TV shows like Spiderman and Batman where there is a villain and a LOT of fighting. He is loud and has a great "tough-guy voice." He would rather wrestle with Charles than do anything else. I love that kid.
That was such a fun party. All the boys are so cute and so thoughtful of each other. I was very impressed with how cooperative Kaleb was during the present opening and he said "thank you" so many times.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Jaden's stage name is "The Secret Arthur." My British accent distorted its original phonetics.
I asked Jaden if it was Arthur or Author, and he said Author. Maybe HE was speaking to me in a British accent too!
ReplyDeleteI think we have a new contestant in the ward talent show! I hope to see some guitar playing!!! What a good job on his cake too! Very impressive!!!
ReplyDeleteOoooo really? My mistake! Is he still going to "rock" at the talent show?
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! Grandma is so cute! Haha! All I have to say to Jaden is "ya Jaden! Rock it! Rock it!"
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, I feel like Kaleb was born 2. That is all I remember!
You're cake is amazing! I am jealous! Give me your skills please!