This was too sweet not to record. I am not writing this to embarrass my child, but because I think that later in his life or his future-wife's life, they will enjoy this story. And I don't want to forget it.
A sad little 5 year old...
Mommy? I'm sad.
Why are you sad?
Because my girlfriend has a new boyfriend.
She does?
Yeah. And she always plays with HIM at recess, and never me.
I'm sorry. Have you tried playing with both of them?
Yeah, but she just wants to play with HIM. Because he has a higher age.
He's older? How old?
Ummm, I don't think 8 year olds are allowed at recess with the Kindergartners.
Well he's not really 8, but he tells her he is.
But you know what?
Ever since the first day I met her, I was always... so nice to her.
I know you were. You are a very nice boy.
But now she has TWO boyfriends.
Well, that's okay. How many girlfriends do YOU have?
I only have... 4. K, her little sister, Katelyn and Brook.
So everyone has lots of friends.
But I just want to play with HER again.
Who do you play with now?
I play with Mason again.
Well that's fun!
Yeah, he doesn't have his girlfriend anymore.
They broke up.
Really? What does that mean?
That means broke up. They don't like each other anymore.
Why not?
Because she got a new boyfriend.
Did that make Mason sad too?
No, he was glad. Because she wanted to marry him, and he didn't want to.
Well are you guys having fun playing together again?
That's good.
(The conversation ended, but about 10 minutes later I found Jaden sitting alone in the living room like this. I already knew what was going on, so I quickly took a picture... for memory's sake!)
Jaden sweetie, what's wrong?
(Tears rolling down his cheeks)
I miss someone.
Who do you miss?
A girl. I miss K.
Awww, I'm sorry.
I just always loved to play with her.
I know.
( I held him on my lap)
(I know what you're thinking... How can I properly console my poor child while taking pictures of him? It was his first heart break! I had to preserve it! I won't do it again, okay?)
Well, you know what?
Now that you're off track, maybe we'll need to invite her over to our house to play.
(hope in his eyes)
Yeah. And you know what else?
Tomorrow is the Halloween party at church. I think she'll be there.
She will?
Yeah, I think so. I think she is going to be a princess. And YOU are going to be a knight in shining armor. Maybe we can take a picture of the 2 of you so you can look at it the next time you miss her.
Yeah! Ok!
(He became happier after this, but you could still see in his eyes how upset he had become.)
oooooooooooooooooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooossssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say. I didn't realize 5 year olds had such complicated love triangles going on! I sure hope my Adelynne isn't like this when she is five and going to school.
ReplyDeleteTo Jaden-
I'm so sorry you miss K. But don't worry, you won't be sad for very long. Just make lots of friends and be happy!
oops! I thought the message at the top was saying that if we read the story we had to talk to Jaden about it! I think I need some sleep.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to cry with Jaden!!! He looked so sad, poor kid! I also can't believe that he has/d like 4 girlfriends, I think he's 'dated' more people than I have! Whatever happened to boys and girls having coodies???
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! It starts so young. Is this what I have to look forward to with Ella in a few years? I need to start prepping now.