Well Jaden is definitely on a roll with scoring goals his first season of soccer. He has scored 4 goals up until now. One for his team, and 3 for the other team! Here is his latest OG. But watch how he tried to turn the ball as he kicked he in. You may also notice that Charles was the coach that day.
One day this week, Charles and Kaleb went outside to play in the rain. I didn't want to get the camera wet, so I took these videos through my window upstairs. Recognize the ball, Melanie and John? Kaleb loves it. He calls it his Christmas Ball.
Here is a glimpse of the Kaleb that I am very anxious to have join our family. Meet "Patient Kaleb." I was seriously amazed at how long he shot that ball without getting too frustrated and throwing a fit. Good job, Buddy!
Kaleb discovered Roly Polies. Now the boys are always looking for them in our backyard. I love the way Kaleb says their name! :)
Rough Housing
Here is one of the many ways the boys like to Rough House. They love to stand still and have us try and knock them down with pillows. Some days it it too much for me to watch. I cringe and gasp whenever someone looks like they got hurt or is about to get hurt. But I guess I just need to get used to it. A family full of boys is bound to bring on the broken bones and stitches!
Helping Dad
The boys are also good little helpers... as long as it doesn't involve cleaning! Here are some pictures of the boys hard at work! Little boys, AND big boys. :)
Mowing the lawn
Ripping out baseboards
Pulling out nails
Uh... "vacuuming the wall" Nice work, Kaleb!
Cutting tile... (Poor Dad was having major issues shaping that particular piece, but even though he was super frustrated, he still had a smile on his face. Unlike Charles, who when I asked him how he was doing, reponded with a crude hand gesture. lol)
Laying tile
Here you can kinda see how the tile turned out. I'd say they did a rather fine job!
Painting (Here is a more appropriate expression from Charles)
Creative Play
They used the tracks from their race track to make a "city of freeways."
And here's Bradley... just because.
The tile looks great! Your house is lookin' GOOD. Fun post.
ReplyDeleteSo much to comment on and so little space to do it in! First of all, Jaden is just a goal scoring machine! I'm sure one day he will direct his mad skills the right way and then he will be unstoppable!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Cha and the boys mowing the lawn. Too cute!
I can't believe how much patience Kaleb had shooting the ball. I love how he started out way far away and got closer every time. Then the second he finally made one he was done...goal accomplished...moving on.
The tile looks really good!
Bradley is so cute sliding around! I wondered if he would be a scooted like Kaleb, but nope, he is a snake!
Ok I could comment on a million other things, but I will leave something for other people to say! Great post! I'm a fan!
Kaleb, I had a Rollie Pollie colelction when I was a kid. The rollie pollies hid under a brick that we had in our yard and I'd always check on them to make sure they were doing ok.
ReplyDeleteI'm very impressed with Jaden and his painting and nail removal skills, very nice.
It seems like the boys' "city of freeways" looks like LA, maybe they want to move there!
And I love the expression on Bradleys face, it's like he was amazed at the boys freeway town.
Also, I can't wait till the boys are older and full fledged pillow fights, or, even better, they can have nerf wars like we did when we were kids. That'd be awesome!!
Well, I like how there's a toilet in the middle of your living room.
ReplyDeleteRemember when we had a toilet in the van? That was pretty sweet. Crissy, you should see if Charles could hook that up for you.
ReplyDeleteI like the new catch phrase, "ouchie wawa!" And I'm not sure if Bradley was trying to wiggle away from the madness for safety, or trying to grab the drawer so that he could chuck it at the boys and join the fun. I guess we'll never know.