Jaden and Kaleb made their first "Mud Pie" in the backyard. Charles was "so proud." I'm sure they ruined whatever is planted under there, and so we will always have this empty patch of dirt. Oh well. They had fun. :)
(Amber, I need to apologize... you'll probably notice that the shirt Kaleb is wearing/destroying is one of the ones that you sent Jaden for his birthday. Explanation: Jaden decided he wanted to get Kaleb dressed that day, and Kaleb's shirt drawer is too high for Jaden to reach so he just grabbed one from his own drawer. But CHARLES was the one to let them loose with the hose!... sorry!... But they still wear it, only now it's for dirty activities such as this...)
No need to apologize, I am proud that he wore the shirt that I gave him to make thier first mud pie, it's what we would have done, so I totalyl understand! It does look like they had a blast!!
ReplyDeleteOh, one more thing, this is for Jaden. Be careful walking on the shovel. When I was about 8 years old I jumped on the metal part of a shovel and the wooden part jumped up and hit me in my head. It hurt really bad and I had a hudge bruise for like a week!!
ReplyDeleteI think Jaden gets that from Charles, no offense Crissy. But when Charles was in like 4th grade someone asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said that he wanted to be a pilot but that he knew he'd be away from his family a lot, so he knew that he wouldn't. What 4th grader comes up with that?? I think Jaden might have charles beat!!
ReplyDeleteThat's the first thing I thought when he said "making is steady" was that is sounded like something Charles would say...
ReplyDeleteKaleb filling up the mud pie with water out of his mouth was the greatest. It was hysterical!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Crap, Bryce and I almost peed our pants. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteAmber~ Ha! I totally did the same thing with a shovel when I was little. Except I was hanging on the monkey bars and I jumped down right onto the shovel head and had a scabbed up line right down the middle of my face. Forehead, nose and chin. And no, you didn't offend me, it DOES sound very "Charles-'esque". :)
ReplyDeleteKare~ Yes, he said steady. "Making it steady , with a little bit of soil." :) I liked at the beginning when Kaleb is talking about the scary bug, and then also when I asked him what he was doing he said, "I'm just walking." Like, "Duh Mom! Use your eyes!"
well of course daddy is proud! I'm sorry I've been MIA for a while. I'm now in Cali, visiting my parents. I should be coming to Utah soon-and I'll have to give you a call. I'm sorry that I missed the chance to wish you a Happy Birthday-I can't believe you are 30! ;-) heehee! Feeling 21 one is the best part.
ReplyDeleteWell since all the other lemmings decided to comment on the obvious funny parts, I will comment on the hilariousness of you asking Kaleb what he was doing and he said, "walking." Duh, Mom, what does it look like he's doing? And after Jaden said, "making it steady," he asked, "why?" Ha! Why do you need to know what he's doing? Hmm?? Jeez Mom, give the kids some independence!
ReplyDeleteHate to break it to you Alli, but Crissy already commented on Kaleb saying "walking"...but Jaden saying "why"...that's a good one!
ReplyDeleteHey! In my defense, he said, "Mud... PIE!... A mudpie" Not "Mud... WHY?" Jeez Al, give me a little more credit than that!
ReplyDeleteP.S. In case you're curious, It looks to me like you've got some iris, columbines and meadow rue. Maybe some Ajuga too? Just guessing--I can't see the flowers very clearly. You might want to fertilize it. (Just get some of that liquid miracle-grow that attatches to your hose.)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Crissy but I think you are wrong...I am pretty sure he says "mud...why?...it's mud pie!" I rewatched the video like 20 times and came to the same conclusion each time. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kare!!! (I'm sticking my tongue out at you Crissy) So get over it Crissy, your kids are so dang cute who cares what they say!:-)