Bradley is a piranha. In the span of just 2 months he has grown 7 , almost 8 teeth. He has also become a biter. Let's just say, that one year of age couldn't seem farther away. I realize that his little mouth is sore and he feels the need to bite to relieve the pain... but come on... help a Mothe' out! Anyway... here are some funny-looking pictures of Bradley and his new mouthful of teeth.
And just because he is so sweet, (when he is NOT biting) here are a few more.
I also took a video of the happy baby. I'm sorry, it's a little lengthy... I have a real talent for turning the camera off right before something good happens. So I am trying to let it run a little longer... just in case.
Now to our other Piranha... Mr. Kaleb. Kaleb has really digressed in this idea of biting. We thought he was getting better, but poor Jaden has evidence that, no, he is not. He has given Jaden some pretty messed up wounds. Charles gets it every now and again too. And it's not like he does it just when he's angry, he does it when he is happy and excited too. Why?
But on a lighter side, he is most definitely his Father's child. Remember that story of Charles when he was pretty young... he was with Melanie... and he was in his underwear... and he decided to pull it down from the top just enough to expose ONE of his bum cheeks.... then he would say, "One Bun! One Bun!" And it would really upset Melanie... so I've heard. Anyway, Kaleb has his own take on "One Bun," which Charles was very proud to see.
Jaden had his last week of "Summer Camp" this past week, where he finally had to tell his amazing teacher, Miss Alyssa, goodbye. He picked out some flowers for her and made her a card and wrote her a letter. It was sad to say goodbye to Preschool for good for him... kinda made the reality of Kindergarten seem more... I don't know... real?... I guess...
During his last few days of school, he had "Nonsense Day" where they dressed up kind of silly. Jaden decided to wear his clothes backwards and do his hair crazy as well. He LOVED it. He still asks us if he can do his hair like that. We tell him if he can do it himself, then to go right ahead!