Well, I caught back up to Charles. I'm 28 years old, but feel like I'm still 21. Alli is 7 years younger than me, and most days I feel like she is the older and wiser one. Well... maybe she really IS the wiser one! Kare is 4 years younger and I have always felt that we were the same age. Okay... maybe this just means that I am immature for my age. Or maybe at some point it's like Alli said... "at some point all siblings just feel the same." Hmmmm... But that doesn't work for Julianne. She will always seem older to me. Well, not "older" ...per say... but more... "advanced in life...?" Okay, whatever... On to the party!
Even though my birthday was Wednesday, we celebrated a few days early so we could do it on Sunday with my family. Charles made me my favorite dish... Lasagna. I would have taken a picture but it was eaten like the second he set it down! He also made Texas Sheet Cake.... another one of my favorites! Have you ever had either of these two things? They are seriously heaven. If heaven doesn't have these, then I'm not interested! And if you ever want to try any of these... be sure to be around for my next birthday. It's a tradition! Thank you Charles!
Well, I got some pretty awesome gifts, but I have to say that my favorite part was the homemade cards. Check them out!
The boys got me the game Rush Hour. (Which if you have never played it, I highly recommend it!) I got the "kids version" for Jaden for his birthday and I played it all the time. "Got anymore braaain...busters?" So now I have the regular version some of those puzzles are hard! Great mind-exercising game.

The boys also got me... in lieu of what they've expressed they really want for Christmas... a new baby sister. I have a new baby doll named Kiki. The boys play with her and feed her, and change her diaper and put her to bed... they say they are ready for a REAL baby sister. HA! Fat chance.
Alli got me a gift card for a "much-needed" Pedicure. Kare and Curtis got me a Southwest Airlines gift card... hmmmm... wonder what they have in mind? :) And my parents gave me "The Gift of Time".... Ahhh.... Can't wait to use that one! Thanks everyone. And thank you to everyone else who called, emailed, facebooked or texted me Happy Birthday wishes! All in all, it was a pretty good birthday. It's kinda weird being only one year younger than Dad... :)
I love that they got you a baby doll, but that does open up some questions...are you guys going to have another?? or too soon to tell? I vote for girl if you do!
ReplyDeleteLOL! We don't know yet. But if we DO, we both want another boy. We're definitely comfortable with boys... Plus, I think it would cool to keep it all boys. It's a little more unique. Buuuuuut, I guess I couldn't complain too much if we ended up with a little girl!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh--I totally like playing with all of Ethan's puzzle/spatial reasoning type toys too. More than he does, I think. This is too cute. Thanks for putting it up Crissy. I'm glad you were born. Oh, and thanks for saying I'm old and "experienced". It carries the lovely visual image of a wrinkly, varicose-veined, toothless woman on a street corner in a tube top and hotpants. Excuse me while I go cry.
ReplyDeleteLove you!
Oh yea, you may think I'm crazy by asking this question, but what is Texas sheet cake? how is it different than regular cake?
ReplyDeleteYES! This is the best posting EVER! Not only do I get a quote in there but I get a super sweet picture AND...to top it all off...a Billy Madison reference! I love you! Bless you for being born you stinky monkey!
ReplyDeleteAnd Jules, the image of you being old, toothless, varicosed-veined, working the street corner in a tube top and hot pants will haunt my dreams forever. Please do not age any further.
I am still waiting for the itinerary for your visit...you better put that Southwest cash to good use and soon :)
ReplyDeleteI want a texas sheet cake! I am soooooooo jealous. Except I bet that Charles didn't put much frosting on it because that's how you like it. If it were me the thing would consist of frosting, topped with a little bit of cake. Texas sheet cake frosting is the best! (Poor deprived Amber...)
I was thinking about making my own Texas sheet cake, but the cake dish is being used at the moment for brownies...hmmmm....too much?
I am officially the WORST friend. I didn't even know it was your birthday, but now I will never forget now, OK? So, albeit a little late...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks Jules. And you are SO not "the worst" friend! Shoot, I don't even know when yours is... And I'm pretty sure Charles doesn't know when Ryan's is. Does that make you feel better? ;) Okay, so when are they?